Zimmer-Biomet Shoulder Injury Lawyers

Have you suffered injury or a death in the family because of problems with your biomedical shoulder?

Call the Zimmer-Biomet Injury Lawyers at Carabin Shaw at 800-862-1260. We can help you and your family with evaluating any injury or death and determining any possible claims.

How do You Qualify for a Zimmer Biomet Shoulder Lawsuit?

The Zimmer-Biomet bio-medical shoulder recall applies to shoulder implants distributed after October 2008 and before September 2015, which could have been used in the implanted devices up to the actual date of the FDA recall.

Any person who had implant surgery or a shoulder replacement in or after 2008 and before December of 2016 and received a Zimmer-Biomet bio-medical implant should find out if their particular device is included in the recall. Those who were implanted with the defective devices are eligible to file a claim and a lawsuit if the claim is not satisifed.

One of Carabin Shaw’s Zimmer-Biomet Injury Lawyers is standing by to review your medical and surgical history and records to determine if you are eligible to file claim. We will perform this review at no cost to you. Simply contact Carabin Shaw to speak with one of these lawyers today.

Is There a Class Action Lawsuit Over the Zimmer Biomet Shoulder Implants?

As of now, there is no consolidated Zimmer-Biomet class action lawsuit related to the shoulder implants at issue. However, our lawyers are filing individual claims and lawsuits against this bio-medical product manufacturer in a series of different federal district courts. Because this FDA recall affects several thousand implanted patients, a significant number of lawsuits are expected to be filed in the near future.

Because of the expected large volume of filed cases, they will probably get consolidated into one centralized multidistrict litigation case, (MDL) in Federal court for expedited hearings and handling. MDL cases and the Courts that handle them offer most of the advantages of class action cases. However, victims in an MDL proceeding have better control over their own cases.

For example, the injured victims can pick their own lawyer rather than having to join a group, and they can individually decide whether to settle their case or proceed to trial. Also, MDL assigned cases generally result in larger awards to the victims than traditional class action lawsuits.

What Amount are Zimmer-Biomet Shoulder Lawsuits Worth?

As with any lawsuit, the value of each Zimmer-Biomet shoulder implant claim is unique to itself, depending on several factors like the need for revision surgery, the side effects, the degree of device failure and the age of the patient.
In 2016, Zimmer-Biomet paid $350,000 in a pre-trial settlement of one of the first actual lawsuits filed by a person injured by a faulty shoulder implant device. Based on the severity of possible complications, the expected need for very invasive repeat surgery and the painful rehab process required by many of these patients, our lawyers expect that the eventual suits will ask for compensation of at least hundreds of thousands of dollars.

How Much Time do the Zimmer-Biomet Shoulder Recall Lawsuits Take to File? What Exactly is Involved?

After you hire a Zimmer-Biomet Injury Lawyer, they will get together your essential medical records about your particular surgery and your specific device used before they file any formal lawsuit. It can take up to a year or unfortunately more to fully prepare your case for settlement or trial. However, it is highly unlikely that you would have to travel and it costs you no legal fee unless you receive monetary compensation.

Have you suffered injury or a death in the family because of problems with your biomedical shoulder implant?

Call the Zimmer-Biomet Implant lawyers at Carabin Shaw at 800-862-1260. We can help you and your family with evaluating any injury or death and determining any possible claims.

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We are very glad we called Carabin Shaw after our accident. We now recommend them to everyone. - Griselda S.
You want Carabin Shaw on your side after an accident. They were excellent. - Valerie S.
In our opinion, no one is better, Carabin Shaw is the Law Firm you want on your side after an accident. - Amanda G.
The attorneys and staff went out of their way to help us after our accident. Thank you Carabin Shaw. - Melinda F.
We did our research after our accident and chose Carabin Shaw. They were great. Highly recommend. Joel Y.