DWI / DUI Practice Center
CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260
If you are arrested for DWI, you could be facing some serious consequences. Possible consequences include losing your driver’s license, increased insurance rates and even jail time. If convicted, the criminal record can follow you for the rest of your life and could effect your employment. Attorney, Joseph Echavarria, of the Carabin Shaw represents those charged with DWI in the Greater San Antonio Area. If you or your family member needs our help, call call us day or night at 800-862-1260.
The State will have to prove more than just your blood alcohol level to obtain a conviction. There are issues that skillful DWI Attorneys can challenge:
- Improper actions by the arresting officer
- Failure to properly explain your rights
- Inadequate officer training or certification
- Poorly maintained or defective equipment used to test your alcohol level.
With over two decades of defending drunk driving charges, we have the knowledge and skill you need. While we can’t promise you a certain outcome to your case , you can be assured that our attorneys will work to obtain the best result for you . Your first consultation with us is always free of charge. Email us on the right hand of your screen or call us at 800-862-1260.
We will represent individuals at all stages of the DWI, including arrest, bail, filing and hearing on pre-trial motions, plea negotiations, trial, and post-trial motions and proceedings. We know what motions that can and should be filed on your behalf. Our DWI Lawyers will explain all the legal options available to you so that you can make informed decisions on what path to take on your case. If our Lawyers cannot get your criminal charges dismissed or obtain a satisfactory plea agreement, our Team will prepare your case to go to trial. With well over 25 years of experience of total experience - we will fight for your rights.
DWI / DUI Charges may Include:
- DWI, Felony and Misdemeanor
- DWI on federal reserve or military base (a Federal Charge)
- Intoxication Manslaughter (DWI with Accident and any death except driver)
- Intoxication Assault (DWI with Accident and any injury except driver)
- Aggressive Criminal Defense Representation.
- Our experience, working "in the trenches" defending DWI charges.
- Our experience handling appeals in both state and federal courts.
- Our Lawyers keep current on the law of your DWI case;
- Our Lawyers have meticulous trial preparation and conduct thorough investigations.
- Members of:: San Antonio Bar Association, Federal Bar Association, American Bar Association, State Bar of Texas, College of the State Bar, Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, Texas Trial Lawyers Association, and Rotary International.
For immediate assistance, call us toll-free at 800-862-1260.