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What can Happen if I Don't pay My Ticket?

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

Many people don’t realize that there are serious consequences that will occur if they do not pay their traffic violation. Often people think that they will only have to pay more in fees down the road and that not paying their traffic ticket is not that big of a deal. However, nothing could be further from the truth.

While it is true that not paying a traffic violation will result in an increase overall cost, often substantially more cost, that is not the only penalty for failure to take care of a traffic citation. Those that fail to take care of their traffic violations are also subject to immediate arrest. Courts routinely issue warrants for those who do not take care of their traffic violations. If you are unlucky enough to get pulled over or stopped while there is a warrant out for your arrest, you will be subject to immediate arrest and have to be processed at your local jail. Even after all that you will still have to handle the original traffic violation.

Aside from possible arrest, the Court could also issue a Failure to Appear citation and order additional warrant fees. Further, if you have a warrant out, you will be unable to renew your driver’s license until the matter has been taken care of. Don’t let your ticket become a warrant. Contact attorney Joseph Echavarria today.

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