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Driving on a Suspended License

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

If you have had your privileges to drive taken away because your license has suspended, you are well aware how difficult it is to function without driving. Your license could be suspended for many reasons, including:

  • DWI
  • Driving While Your License is Suspended
  • No Insurance Tickets

It is extremely important that you contact attorney Joseph Echavarria to get you back on the road.

Don’t risk driving on a suspended license. If you are pulled over for driving on a suspended license, you are subject to fines, an additional suspension, and even possible jail time. It is not worth the risk. Attorney Joseph Echavaarria can help you navigate the confusing system DPS has set up and in many cases arrange to get you an occupational license to get you necessary places, such as work.

We understand that you may be frustrated by having your license suspended. It can be a serious problem in your daily life. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Contact Joseph Echavarria today to help you with your suspended license.

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