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Valsartan Texas Lawsuit Attorneys: Frequently Asked Questions

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Valsartan is a drug used to treat high blood pressure and congestive heart failure that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently recalled following the “detection of impurity” in many of its related products. In a state like Texas, where the leading cause of death is heart disease, valsartan-based medications are common, and, as a result, this recall will likely have severe repercussions throughout our region and lead to valsartan Texas lawsuit attorneys answering frequently asked questions.

If you are one of many Texans who used valsartan after 2014 for at least six months before a doctor diagnosed you with cancer, you should reach out to a valsartan recall attorney as soon as possible. Speaking with the Texas product liability lawyers at Carabin Shaw about your options is a crucial step in determining whether you have a case and how to manage it if you do. Our team knows that the early stages of the legal process can be overwhelming because it requires you to maintain medical records, insurance records, and manage severe health concerns at the same time, but we want you to know that we are here to help.

What You Need To Know About the Valsartan Recall Cancer Risk

Because this issue is multi-faceted, Carabin Shaw’s valsartan Texas lawsuit attorneys are here to field frequently asked questions about the blood pressure medication recall. TWhile the cardiac benefits of valsartan are apparent, there is currently a market problem with valsartan contamination. Recently, FDA researchers have found traces of a “probable human carcinogen” called N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in some medications that include valsartan.

The Texas lawyers at Carabin Shaw know that in a summer press release, the FDA reported that “the presence of NDMA was unexpected and is thought to be related to changes in the way the active substance was manufactured” by Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals in Linhai, China. As a result of this NDMA impurity, the FDA officially recalled some valsartan products in July 2018. In late August of that same year, the FDA discovered another cancer-causing ingredient, N-Nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA), in valsartan products, which also triggered another round of recalls.

However, the agency is clear that not all valsartan-based products are contaminated. The only two valsartan recall drug names are:

  • Valsartan
  • Valsartan/Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ).

The valsartan recall affected manufacturers and companies include:

  • Major Pharmaceuticals
  • Prinston Pharmaceuticals (labeled Solco Healthcare)
  • Teva Pharmaceuticals Industries Ltd. (labeled Actavis)
  • Torrent Pharmaceuticals
  • AvKARE (labeled Teva/Actavis)
  • RemedyRepack Inc. (labeled Prinston/Solco)
  • A-S Medication Solutions LLC (labeled Teva/Actavis & Prinston/Solco)
  • Bryant Ranch Prepack Inc. (labeled Teva/Actavis)
  • Northwind Pharmaceuticals
  • H.J. Harkins Company Inc.
  • Hetero Labs, Inc. (labeled as Camber Pharmaceuticals, Inc.)
  • Preferred Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (labeled Hetero/Camber)

Texas residents should know that the severity of the NDMA and NDEA risk for patients largely depends on why their doctors prescribed valsartan in the first place and on their dosage: the higher the valsartan dose, the greater the exposure to impurities like NDMA and NDEA. These higher doses of NDMA and NDEA-tainted valsartan have a strong correlation with cancer diagnoses, and the negative consequences of contaminated valsartan have led to recalls in more than 20 other countries.

There are so many layers to valsartan cancer cases in the US that it can be confusing to proceed on your own, but the Texas attorneys at Carabin Shaw are here to help you make sense of all this information. When our Texas product liability lawyers are on the job, you can guarantee that you receive the best care, counsel, and chance for restitution.

Call a Texas Lawyer with Carabin Shaw Today

If you are a valsartan user and you are interested in asking valsartan Texas lawsuit attorneys frequently asked questions, you deserve legal counsel that advocates for your needs as passionately and aggressively as possible. Cancer that is associated with valsartan can disrupt your family’s financial security at a time when you need it most, and our team is here to help.

Your initial consultation with one of Carabin Shaw’s best Texas attorneys is free, and we won’t charge you without first winning your case. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by calling now.

To speak with one of the top personal injury firms in Texas, call Carabin Shaw toll-free at 800-862-1260. We have lawyers standing by and ready to listen.

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