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The Laredo TX Truck Accident Lawyers You Can Trust - Free Initial Consultation at Carabin Shaw


Laredo, Texas, is a city that has experienced significant economic growth recently. Population and infrastructure expansions are matched by a noteworthy trade boom culminating in rapidly expanding warehouses and more transportation vehicles throughout the city. That means more big trucks are visible on highways like I-35, U.S. Highway 83, and State Highway 359. Local roads near the border, like Mines Road and McPherson Road, are not immune either. They are becoming increasingly congested with 18 wheelers to handle the increasing trade volume, especially with Mexico.

If you were recently seriously injured in an accident with one of these commercial vehicle trucks and are searching for a truck accident lawyer in Laredo, Texas, look no further than the qualified, trusted experts at Carabin Shaw. Our professional staff has decades of experience in personal injury and wrongful death cases across Texas. We vow to work with those who’ve been seriously impacted by the negligence of another and are looking to pursue litigation as a result. Even if you were partially responsible for the trucking accident, if you are found to be less than 50% at fault, you still may be able to pursue compensation. Call the trusted attorneys at Carabin Shaw today at 800-862-1260 to schedule your FREE CASE REVIEW.

Examples of Common Commercial Vehicle Trucks Seen in and Around Laredo TX

Any of the following trucks are considered “commercial vehicles” according to Texas law. These are vehicles for transporting goods or people or for delivery/courier purposes that are generally larger than everyday passenger vehicles.

  • 18 wheelers
  • Box trucks
  • Dump trucks
  • Dry vans
  • Refrigerated trailers
  • Flatbeds
  • Tankers
  • Concrete mixers
  • Other delivery trucks

Because of the large size and weight of these vehicles, those involved in collisions often suffer from severe injuries, missed work, and possibly death in the worst cases. If you were involved in a crash with one of these vehicles, call the Laredo TX truck accident lawyers to investigate your legal options moving forward.

According to the statute of limitations laws, or the time within which you can legally pursue a personal injury case, you have two years to pursue your case in Texas. The sooner you contact a legal professional, though, the better. To preserve existing evidence and avoid unnecessary communication with insurance companies, contact Carabin Shaw now.

How Does Negligence Work in the Case of 18 Wheeler Accidents in Texas?

Negligence is referred to in law as actions, inactions, behaviors, etc., of an individual or party that another person or party would not reasonably have done in a similar situation. Negligence then usually leads to damage or injury for which the guilty party can be held accountable. Below, you’ll find some general information, but remember, every case is different. Only by speaking with a trusted Laredo 18 wheeler accident attorney can you evaluate your specific circumstance.

Common negligent parties in truck collision cases are:

Truck Driver

Negligent actions include driving under the influence, driving while fatigued or drowsy, speeding, tailgating, aggressive driving, distracted driving, etc.

Trucking Company or Employing Company

Negligent actions include careless/reckless hiring practices, training, supervision, maintenance, etc. The company may be held vicariously responsible for the driver's actions if they were acting within the scope of their employment. Seek the assistance of a lawyer for more.

Cargo Loader(s)

Negligent actions include improper cargo securement, handling, or loading, failing to inspect cardo, or if regulations were not followed.

Cargo Loading Company

Similar to negligence for a trucking company, the cargo loading company can be held responsible for a trucking accident for improperly training their employees, violating regulations, etc. They may also be held vicariously responsible for their employees.

Vehicle Parts Manufacturer

Negligence may be due to a design flaw or defect as well as the failure to warn or recall a known hazardous part.

18 Wheeler Accident in Laredo? Get a Free Case Review & Explore Your Compensation Options — Contact Carabin Shaw Now!

To get justice and compensation after a collision with an 18-wheeler or other commercial vehicle, it is necessary to hire a Laredo truck accident attorney for your severe injuries and losses. Thankfully, the experienced team at Carabin Shaw is here to serve and support victims who’ve recently experienced such hardships. Read over our client reviews to familiarize yourself with our process and see how we’ve fought hard and won big on behalf of our clients.

Call 800-862-1260 to schedule your free case review and discuss your case and legal options. No money is won unless your case is won, so there’s nothing to lose. Contact us today 24/7; we’ve got English and Spanish-speaking professionals standing by to assist you. Our lawyers vow to fight hard on your behalf.

For more information:

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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