Laredo Car Accident Lawyer
When you are involved in a car accident in Laredo, knowing whom to call for legal advice is a tremendous relief. If you have suffered injuries, you need to contact our local accident lawyer to help you with the ins and outs of your legal system at the local and state level. In Laredo, Texas, we guarantee that you won't find better representation than from our law office. At Carabin Shaw, we take tremendous pride in our reputation as the top Laredo car accident lawyer. We won't rest until our accident lawyers get you the best possible results for your car accident settlement from the at-fault driver's insurance. Carabin Shaw has aggressively represented those injured in accidents since 1992, and that wealth of experience is available to you. That knowledge has been invaluable for many Laredo car accident victims. Helping the injured get just financial compensation, including punitive damages for your pain and suffering.
Laredo Auto Accident StatisticsDid you know that in 2021 15 fatal car accidents resulted in 19 deaths of Laredo drivers or vehicle occupants?
Furthermore, 90 drivers/passengers were seriously injured in 62 crashes.
A possible 1200 individuals were injured in 735 crashes in Laredo.
The numbers are even higher when you look at all of Webb County.
Twenty-three individuals perished in 18 accidents, and 103 drivers/passengers were seriously hurt in 71 crashes!
If we look at Texas for 2021, fatalities were up 15.22% from 2020, 4,489 vs. 3,896.
This means that 12 individuals died on Texas roads every day.
Texas had 15,764 serious injury crashes in 2021, with 19,448 people sustaining serious injuries. Data from
All personal injury lawyers at our offices strongly believe that serving our local clients is our number one job. So let us shoulder the burden for you and navigate your case through the legal maze. Call us today for a FREE NO-OBLIGATION CASE EVALUATION! Our legal staff will go over your case and give you an inside into all the legal options you might have. Call 956-333-3333
When an accident occurs, dealing with the insurance companies, corporate interests, and teams of staff lawyers representing these companies can be difficult. In situations such as these, it becomes extremely important to seek out sound legal counsel so that you can make sure that your interests are represented in court.
At Carabin Shaw, our experienced car accident attorney has served Laredo and the surrounding communities for over three decades. Our legal team has well over 100 years of combined legal experience. Whether an injury has occurred due to an 18-wheeler causing the crash, a motorcycle cutting you off, or any other traffic accident resulting from undue negligence, you'll want to seek our help to ensure that you are in the right hands when it comes to fighting for compensation, holding the at-fault party responsible.
What Are The Possible Causes for Car Collisions In Laredo No.1One thousand six hundred twenty-seven (1,627) accidents in Laredo alone due to Distracted Driving: This includes activities such as texting, talking on the phone, eating, or adjusting the radio while driving.
No.2Speeding and Reckless Driving: Ignoring the speed limits, tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic, running red lights, and failing to yield the right of way.
No.3Alcohol or Drug Related: In 2021, a drunk driver killed one person, and impaired drivers caused 173 accidents.
Leading Causes of Auto Crashes in Laredo, TexasThe Texas Department of Transportation estimates that 12 people die every day in auto accidents statewide. While the major urban hubs of Dallas, Houston, and Austin continue to see the highest number of car accidents, there were 5,649 auto accidents in Webb County (home of Laredo, Texas) in 2021 alone. Laredo victims and their families have suffered mounting medical costs, long-term injuries and/or disability, loss of wage-earning abilities, and even the loss of a loved one due to dangerous auto accidents.
You must be aware of your options if you or a loved one were injured in a Laredo car accident. No matter the cause of your vehicle accident, the best Texas auto accident injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw offer you legal representation and can ensure you receive the financial settlement you deserve. Our Laredo car accident lawyers can help you file an auto accident claim covering the full extent of your damages.
What Causes Car Accidents in Laredo, Texas?It is important to work with your auto injury attorney in Laredo, Texas, to determine the exact cause of your accident and find the liable parties for your suffering. There are various reasons for car accidents in Laredo and Webb County, but the data consistently points to a few recurring factors.
A majority of the collisions in Laredo are caused by:
Distracted DriversDrivers who are texting, talking on the phone, applying makeup, eating on the go, etc., can make simple mistakes with deadly consequences. If a driver is found guilty of distracted driving, they could be charged with negligence, the same as drunk and drowsy drivers.
Drunk Driving AccidentsIntoxicated driving continues to be one of the top causes of auto accidents statewide. The Texas Department of Transportation reported 24,617 DUI crashes in 2019, with 816 fatalities. Drunk driving is a major problem in the state's urban and rural areas.
Fatigued DriversSleep-deprived drivers can be nearly as dangerous as drunk ones. While many commercial drivers are required to limit their hours on the road, some trucking companies have been found guilty of requiring drivers to drive longer than federal guidelines allow. Additionally, non-commercial drivers can also cause dangerous accidents if they drive while drowsy.
SpeedingState and local governments set speed limits for a reason. If you are grossly negligent in not adhering to speed limits, you risk more than a speeding ticket; you could be the cause of someone's severe injuries or death.
Reckless Lane MergingA driver's failure to use their blinker or check their blind spots while changing lanes can cause deadly accidents (especially on the highway). These drivers would be at fault for the collision and liable for any injuries others suffer.
Time Is Not on Your SideTexas law affords you two years to file a claim from the date of the accident.
It would be best if you never waited until the very end of that period; here is why;
- Memories fade
- Evidence disappears
- People involved may have moved out of town
- Financial strain: Your insurance may not cover your medical bills from the accident
- Insurance companies may try to deny or delay your claim even further.
If you are being contacted by an insurance adjuster representing the person at fault, please do not, under any circumstances, agree to any settlement or sign any papers before speaking with one of our attorneys.
In general, insurance companies do not work for you. A negligent party's insurance company is motivated by profit concerns and wants to pay you as little as possible. The other party's insurance adjusters are trained to minimize your recovery and have no duty to represent you. For example, they may have no duty to inform you of the applicable time limits for your particular claim. You can lose your rights forever if your claim is not filed promptly. Retaining Carabin Shaw to represent you, we owe you a duty to represent your interest zealously. We often can recover much more than the insurance company would offer to pay otherwise.
If you have experienced any of these injuries, seek medical care and call us as soon as possible:
- Broken Bones: Arms, Legs, and Ribs
- Whiplash: This neck injury happens when the head and neck are jolted back and forth suddenly. It's a common injury from a rear-end collision.
- Head Injuries are Catastrophic Injuries: They range from mild concussions to traumatic brain injury (TBI). Any head injury must be taken very seriously. They can have long-lasting effects on a person's physical and cognitive abilities.
- Spinal Cord Injuries: They can result in permanent disability, depending on the severity.
- Internal Injuries: ruptured spleen, punctured lung, and liver damage can occur from a car accident; these injuries are life-threatening and must be treated promptly.
- Soft Tissue: Bruises, sprains, and strains will cause you much pain and discomfort.
Psychological Injuries: Car accidents might cause severe emotional trauma, anxiety, and depression. All this can amount to a form of PTSD ( Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Some pain and discomfort may not appear until a few days after the collision. Be prepared to seek medical treatment through physical therapy sooner than later.
The Carabin Shaw personal injury law firm in Laredo, Texas, is dedicated to representing car crash victims and their families with their personal injury lawsuits. For nearly 30 years, we have specialized in personal injury law and have successfully represented thousands of accident victims like yourself in Texas. Our client-first approach has set us apart from other law firms in the Laredo area.
From the moment you call our law office, it is our job to do what we can to help you put your life back together and assist you with your financial recovery. At the same time, many who fall victim to traffic accidents will struggle with exorbitant medical expenses and may even face weeks off work due to their injuries.
As the number one motor vehicle accident lawyer in Laredo, Texas, the Carabin Shaw law firm has an exemplary track record and knows that it is our job to provide exceptional personal attention and service to each client when pursuing a legal claim.
Among our many other services, the injury lawyers at Carabin Shaw have helped car injury victims in a multitude of other ways, some of which include:
- Compiling evidence,
- Getting the police report
- Finding caring and compassionate doctors
- In some cases, we might advance payments for medical bills
- Fighting for reimbursement of lost wages
- Recovering funds for property damage
- Getting compensated for pain, suffering, and punitive damages
- Taking legal action against fraudulent insurers
In the wake of an auto accident, victims often have so much to deal with before returning their lives to normalcy. Without assistance, and given the intricate and tedious nature of legal bureaucracy, it is easy to see how paperwork and minutia could slip through the cracks, jeopardizing a much-needed settlement and your financial recovery. At Carabin Shaw, we help you pursue fair compensation for your injuries, medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, property damages, and other costs associated with your auto accident.
The Carabin Shaw law firm employs only the finest Laredo auto accident lawyers, so we're your best bet for getting the best possible settlement in your accident or injury case. Contact our offices today and get free answers to all your questions and concerns. Our attorneys are standing by twenty-four-seven to get you the help you need and deserve. Contact us today via email or by phone at 956.333.3333, and let the legal professionals get to work helping you put your life back in order.