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Laredo Wrongful Death


When a loved one is killed in an accident, you should contact the Laredo wrongful death attorney at Carabin Shaw right away. Emotions will be overwhelming for you and your family at a time when it can be difficult to gather the information necessary to determine who is responsible for the wrongful death. That is why it is important to retain an experienced law firm to help you throughout the process.

The legal team at Carabin Shaw has handled wrongful death cases that fell under the following areas of legal practice in Laredo:

While no amount of financial payment can ever compensate for the loss of a loved one, our wrongful death attorneys serving Laredo can help make sure you are financially secure in your future. Furthermore, we are committed to punishing the responsible parties and bringing them to justice, which can provide a sense of closure, comfort, and security to survivors.

Discover What Compensation Can be Recovered From Wrongful Death

Even if you have a wrongful death insurance policy, the attorneys at Carabin Shaw may be able to help you collect compensation beyond that which is provided through such insurance claims. At the end of the day, an insurance company has to protect its own interests if it wants to stay in business. While it is true that we like to keep our doors open as well, our wrongful death attorneys only get paid if you receive the full amount of compensation you are due. Regardless of your situation, whether you have received a settlement from an insurance company or are still waiting, give the Laredo wrongful death attorney at Carabin Shaw a call so we can talk about time limitations and how they might apply to your circumstances.

It is also important that we establish who has the legal right to represent the deceased. As one of the most well-respected law firms in South Texas, there is a lot we can do for you and your family, but we also have to uphold the law. We will prepare all of the proper paperwork and explain it in language anyone can understand, but ultimately someone connected to the deceased must sign those papers into action. Typically, the claim will belong to the deceased person's spouse, children, or parents. If for some reason those people are unavailable, as sometimes happens in multiple party accidents, the right passes on to common-law partners, adopted children, and adoptive parents. The chain of right to file continues from there, but more importantly, it is essential to know who among those eligible is best suited to sign the paperwork. Our wrongful death attorney in Laredo knows how different family members affect the court's decisions based on a number of factors.

Occasionally, families will decide to let their grief overwhelm them completely and hope that something good will unexpectedly happen to bring some relief from this unexpected loss and misfortune. Other families decide that, because they have determined who has the legal right to represent the deceased, they should self-represent. If you are considering these options, please give us a call first. We will meet with you for a free consultation, offer you our best legal advice, and leave it to you to decide if you still want to go through this difficult time alone. Contact us day or night at 956-333-3333 or toll-free at 800-862-1260.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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