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Laredo Dangers of Driving and Texting


Texting while driving is reckless and dangerous - it can lead to serious motor vehicle accidents, injuries and deaths. It has been estimated that, at any given moment, over 800,000 Americans were texting, making calls, or using a handheld cell phone while driving a motor vehicle during the day. In 2010, distracted driving motor vehicle accidents killed approximately 3,092 Americans. These statistics hold true in Laredo as well and point to a high possibility of you or a loved one being involved in a texting while driving accident. If you have been in an accident caused by a driver who was texting while driving, the law firm of Carabin Shaw has a Laredo texting while driving attorney that can help.

While driving in Laredo, dangers of driving and texting become very evident as illustrated by the number of accidents involving cell phone use. Besides the dangers of texting while driving, other actions involving cell phones carry similar risks like:

  • Talking on the cell phone while driving
  • Checking email while driving
  • Surfing the web while driving
  • recreational functions including streaming movies and games

Whether it’s a semi-truck driver multi-tasking or a teenager texting while driving, Carabin Shaw’s Laredo lawyers know that in Laredo dangers of driving and texting can be present throughout the roadways and as a result at times be unavoidable. Our Laredo attorneys will assist you with your case. The distracted driver will always be held accountable for their actions, but the driver may not be the only person your lawyer files a claim against. If the driver was texting a business client or “on the clock”, the company they work for may also be held accountable for their employee’s negligence.

Three telltale signs often point to a driver who is using their phone as they drive and include:

  1. Driver is staring at their lap
  2. Driver blatantly holding their phone in their hand
  3. Driver is swerving and swaying in and out of traffic
  4. Driver’s speed is inconsistent with the flow of traffic

Sometimes these behaviors are easy to spot out on the road, other times you might not even notice until the accident has already occurred. If you find yourself injured in one of the many Laredo auto accidents that happen daily be sure you have a seasoned team of legal experts to fight for the compensation you need to keep your life on track.

In Laredo, dangers of driving and texting have grown significantly over the years with the cell phone becoming the most popular form of communication in the world. The good news is with proper education some of this risk can be reduced. The best way to decrease the dangers of texting and driving is to simply abstain from using your phone in the car. Any conversation, text, or task that requires the use of your cell phone can wait. If you feel like you still may be tempted to pick up your phone and use it while driving a good practice is to lock it in the glove compartment out of reach until you safely reach your destination.

If you must use a cell phone while operating a vehicle, invest in the necessary technology to keep yourself from physically having to use the phone. Hands-free cell phone use is the next best way to utilize your phone while driving. Having a cell phone mount along with an aux cord or bluetooth function can help you utilize the conveniences of your cell phone without endangering your life.

Although you can take all the necessary precautions to keep yourself from causing a texting while driving accident, you can't predict the behavior of other drivers. If you have suffered an injury as a result of a texting while driving accident in Laredo, Texas, call us right away, we may be able to help you collect compensation beyond that which is provided through insurance claims.

At Carabin Shaw, every client matters and every case matters. The lawyers at Carabin Shaw can provide you peace of mind and get you the results you need. We focus our attention on each and every case we take on and it is our attorney’s mission to obtain the best results for you, your family or your business. Contact us today via email, or by phone at 956.333.3333 day or night.


Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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