Laredo Exposures to Carbon Monoxide: Experienced Texas Attorneys

As a border town between Mexico and the United States, many travelers make stops in Laredo, Texas, to stay in the city’s hotels and motels. However, these hotels may not be as safe as you might expect them to be, and there is an increasing risk to guests who stay overnight that most may not be aware of: carbon monoxide poisoning.

For several years, there has been an increasing number of cases in which hotel and motel guests have been exposed to the odorless, invisible gas many call the “silent killer.” This exposure has led to serious injury, permanent impairment, and in more than one case here in Texas, the death of a family. Hotel guests should be more than concerned about this risk that, so far, is being inadequately addressed.

Why Hotel Carbon Monoxide is a Danger in Laredo, Texas

Carbon monoxide poisoning lawyers in Laredo have discovered that in many of these cases, the cause of exposure has been faulty equipment that has likely been neglected and not maintained properly. In the case of one couple’s death, the culprit was a motel pool heater that was not functioning correctly. In addition, the motel had not installed any carbon monoxide detectors in their guest rooms, something that is prevalent among most hotel and motel chains in Laredo, Texas.

As a guest in a hotel or motel in Laredo, Texas, you should not have to be concerned about whether or not your stay will be safe. It should be a safe assumption that the facility is taking at least the most basic steps necessary to make sure their guests have a quiet, enjoyable, and safe visit. When this doesn’t happen and injury or death results, the hotel or motel should be held accountable for their negligent actions.

What Laredo accident attorneys are discovering is how many people aren’t aware of the cause of carbon monoxide poisoning symptoms such as headache, nausea, and dizziness, and may not realize a recent hotel or motel stay may be the culprit. If you have stayed in a hotel recently and are experiencing unusual symptoms such as these, contact an attorney. An experienced attorney, like those at Carabin Shaw, can help you if it appears a hotel or motel is responsible for your illness.

Experienced Texas Attorneys for Laredo Exposures to Carbon Monoxide

The Laredo injury lawyers of Carabin Shaw have been helping carbon monoxide poisoning victims receive the compensation they deserve across Texas for as long as we’ve been around. We understand that many hotels and motels are owned and operated by large corporations. These companies keep lawyers on their payroll to watch out for their interests. But who is looking out for you?

With an increase in Laredo exposures to carbon monoxide, our experienced Texas attorneys are ready to help. At Carabin Shaw, our commitment is to fight for you at every turn. We believe no one should be injured as the result of another’s negligence, but when it happens, our attorneys make sure the responsible party is held accountable.

You should never be faced with the financial hardship that can accompany an injury like carbon monoxide poisoning, so give us a call. You can schedule an appointment with one of our attorneys for a free initial consultation and discuss the details of our case. We will not charge you any fees until we win your case, and you can rest knowing you have an advocate standing with you.

If you’re the victim of Laredo exposures to carbon monoxide, the experienced Texas attorneys at Carabin Shaw have the resources to help. To schedule an appointment with an attorney who can help you get started down the path to recovery, call Carabin Shaw of Laredo, Texas, at 956.333.3333 today.

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