Children and Serious Dog Bites in Laredo Texas

Children and dogs seem to be a natural match; energetic, fun-loving, and cuddly, it is easy to understand why young children are so excited to interact with their canine friends. While many dogs are easygoing and trained to interact with children, one bad interaction can cause devastating injuries. Laredo is no stranger to these tragic accidents; every year, hundreds of local children will suffer severe dog bite injuries that may lead to long-term injury or, in the most extreme cases, fatality.

According to the CDC, approximately half of all dog bite victims are children. In fact, children from 5 to 9 years of age are the most at risk for dog bite injuries nationwide. Since these children are minors and cannot represent themselves in a lawsuit, it is up to parents and guardians to take legal action after their child has suffered a serious dog bite injury. To learn more about children and serious dog bites in Laredo Texas, read the following guide on preventing these injuries and what to do if they occur.

How to Avoid Dangerous Interactions Between a Child and Canine

Firstly, it is important to note that serious dog bite injuries are to some degree preventable. Bringing awareness to these attacks can help parents and dog owners alike take steps to ensure they do not occur.

If you are the parent of a young child, make sure that you:

  • Discuss how to properly engage with strange animals
  • Ensure small children do not grab at the dog’s fur or ears
  • Supervise all interactions between your child and any dog

Just as the parents of young children aim to avoid dangerous dog attacks, dog owners do not want their dogs to engage in behavior which could lead to their eventual euthanization.

If your dog has a prior history of aggression or has bitten someone in the past, consider:

  • Limiting your dog’s interaction with all strangers (not just children) if possible
  • Muzzling your dog in public
  • Utilizing training techniques such as desensitization and classical conditioning
Taking Legal Action After Your Child Has Suffered a Dog Bite in Laredo

Awareness may help to decrease the frequency of these attacks, but what if your child has already suffered a severe dog bite? Dog bites are a serious injury that can lead to disfiguring wounds, emotional trauma, and long-term pain and suffering. Negligent dog owners can and should be held responsible for their dog’s aggression.

In the state of Texas, the victims of dog bites have the right to seek compensation in a personal injury lawsuit. Dogs are considered the property of their owners, and in the state of Texas property owners can be held financially responsible for injuries inflicted on or by their property.

In order to seek financial compensation for your child’s injuries and your families financial and emotional losses, be sure to:

  • Have your child’s dog bite injuries examined by a medical professional
  • Maintain up-to-date documentation on developing complications and the financial costs of treatment
  • Schedule a consultation with a Laredo Tx dog bite attorney to review your options
  • Determine whether the dog’s owner can be held liable for your child’s injuries
  • File your dog bite injury claim to seek compensation for your family’s physical, financial, and emotional losses
Contact the Laredo Dog Injury Attorneys at Carabin Shaw to Learn More

Taking legal action for your child’s dog bite injuries is easy when you hire a Carabin Shaw personal injury lawyer. Our team of world-class attorneys is dedicated to protecting the rights of Laredo children and families. We guarantee that our attorneys will negotiate your settlement with your family’s best interests at heart.

To learn more about our history of representing accident victims like you, visit Carabin Shaw’s client reviews page. When you are ready to schedule your free case review with a Carabin Shaw injury attorney, call our 24/7 English and Spanish-speaking staff toll-free at 800-862-1260.

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