18 Wheeler Driver Fatigue and Its Role in Laredo Accidents - Experienced Texas Attorneys
Trucking provides 1.1 million jobs in Texas annually. This industry is a cornerstone of the national and local economy, but the long hours often worked by truck 18 wheeler drivers can spell danger for Texas drivers.
If you or a loved one are the victim of a motor vehicle accident due to driver fatigue, the path to physical and financial recovery can seem intimidating. Luckily, with the assistance of the Laredo trucking accident attorneys at Carabin Shaw, you can rest assured that you will receive expert guidance throughout the legal process, minimizing stress and maximizing your compensation.
Why Is 18 Wheeler Driver Fatigue Such a Big Problem?According to the National Transportation Safety Board, fatigue contributes to 30 to 40 percent of all heavy truck accidents. In addition to the obvious danger posed when a driver has fallen asleep at the wheel, 18 wheeler driver fatigue can lead to slower reaction times, lapses in attention, and drifting in lanes.
Driver fatigue is the cherry on top of a laundry list of factors that can make 18 wheelers particularly dangerous on the road, including:
- Long braking distances
- Wide turning radiuses
- Poor sightlines
- Improper vehicle maintenance
Regulations are in place to prevent truck driver fatigue, but those regulations have recently been made less strict. In 2003, the maximum driving hours per shift for truck drivers was increased from 10 to 11 hours.
Other regulations intended to prevent 18 wheeler driver fatigue are:
- 14-hour shift limits
- 8 consecutive days driving maximum
- Required 34 consecutive hours off duty between work weeks
- 30-minute breaks every 8 hours of driving
Insurance liability for an 18 wheeler accident in Laredo TX is decided on an at-fault basis. This means that whichever driver is determined to have caused the accident will bear the financial responsibility for insurance claims.
Additional compensation can be sought by suing liable parties for damages. While the at-fault driver will likely be the primary liable party in these cases, a skilled Texas truck accident attorney will likely push to hold additional parties accountable through third-party liability.
Third-Party Liability in Texas Truck AccidentsWhen a party additional to the at-fault driver can be shown to have contributed to a drowsy driving accident by demonstrating negligence, it can be argued that they hold third-party liability. This can be used to pursue compensation from multiple sources.
In crashes involving commercial trucks, multiple third-party entities may hold liability. Your lawyer may seek damages from the parent trucking company, vehicle manufacturers, subcontracted vehicle maintenance workers, safety supervisors, logistics companies, and even local municipalities may be liable, depending on the circumstances of your accident.
18 Wheeler Accident Victims’ Guide to DamagesWhen you and your attorney are pursuing compensation for your 18 wheeler accident through a civil lawsuit, damages will be used to quantify the compensation you are owed.
Tangible damages, such as reimbursement for medical expenses, property damage, or lost wages, are easy to determine using receipts, bills, and other documentation.
Intangible damages, such as pain and suffering, loss of reputation, and loss of consortium, are more subjective and are generally determined by multiplying your tangible damages by a number between 1.5 and 5. That number is determined based on the severity of your accident.
Demand Accountability for Your 18 Wheeler Driver Fatigue Accident with the Expert Attorneys at Carabin Shaw!At Carabin Shaw, our team of 18-wheeler accident attorneys knows exactly what it takes to win cases for victims like you. Check out our client reviews for reassurance of our long history of success.
Begin risk-free on the path to justice by calling us at 800-862-1260. Our incredible English and Spanish-speaking staff is available 24/7 to set you up with a free case review.
Furthermore, we offer our services on a contingency-fee-basis, meaning we will not collect payment until we have won your case.
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