With Hail Damage Claims – Knowledge is Power
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Filing an insurance claim and successfully recovering your damages from hail damage can at times be challenging given the issues involved with insurance policy coverage and the behavior of certain insurance carriers.
All too often insurance adjusters fail to properly document and pay hail damage claims. Often, the assigned insurance adjuster’s training, experience and knowledge of a Hail Damage Adjustment Process will play a very important part in how your claim is handled.
A common issue that arises is if you will be paid to replace the complete roof or if a patch job will be offered as a partial repair.
The next question is if the insurance adjuster will apply deprecation to your roof and if so, is it fair and reasonable?
While auguring over the scope of loss and price of the repair may seem like a good thing, (at least the insurance company acknowledges that you have a covered loss) there are many other cases where the insurance company will dispute the damages were caused by hail, claiming previous wear and tear.
This is where you may need the professional help and an aggressive team of experienced attorneys that will represent your best interests.
Remember knowledge and information is power. Do not be victimized in the adjustment and repair replacement process, it just makes good sense to have a team of professionals working on your side to get you covered for your hailstorm loss.
Know your right, protect your rights and put our team on your side today, contact Our Hail Damage Lawyers for help in dealing with your insurance claims.
The call is free. The consultation is free. Call 210.300.3000.