When You Need an Occupational License
Under Texas law, your license can be suspended for many reasons. Many Texans find themselves with their license suspended because of a traffic warrant, DWI charge, or failure to pay surcharges. For almost everyone, driving is an absolutely necessary part of daily life. We need our licenses to make a living, run errands, and see family. Without our license we are simply often unable to function.
If an individual is caught driving on a suspended license, they are subject to criminal penalties, including possible arrest and another license suspension.
If your license is currently suspended and you need to drive immediately there is an option to help you get to necessary places while you try and get your license in compliance. The Texas Transportation Code allows for Occupational License when your license is suspended. An Occupational License will allow you to travel to essential places for up to twelve hours a day.
If you are in a position where your license is suspended don’t risk complicating your license situation any further, call Carabin Shaw.