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Texas Workers Law

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

Quick Facts-On Comp

As you may know, worker's compensation laws can be complex and confusing, and these laws and policies are subject to amendment at any time. If you need help with a worker's compensation claim, please call us at 210-222-2288 or 800-862-1260.

Is Worker's Compensation Compulsory? No

Are Waivers Permitted? No

Numerical Exceptions: None; Coverage not mandatory, except for governmental entities and construction contracts for governmental entities.

Choice of Physician: Non-network: The injured worker chooses a physician from the division's approved doctor list (ADL) and is allowed to change with the Division’s approval. Network: Employee chooses a doctor from a list of network doctors designed by the insurance carrier and the injured worker is allowed one change without approval. Later changes must be approved by the network.

Waiting Period For Comp Benefits After Injury: 7 days

Compensation is retroactive if disability continues for what period of time from the date of injury? 2 weeks

Attorney Fees Permitted: 25% as set by Texas statute.

Client Reviews
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