Report Fraud Against the Government
Unfortunatley, Government Fraud is Big Business for some - Help Stop Fraud.
Everyday unethical and immoral corporations and individuals are working on cheating State and Federal Governments out of billions of dollars. The False Claims Acts empowers you to help State and Federal Governments to come forward. The Laws encourage individuals to report evidence of fraud through qui tam lawsuits or other means.
Are You Aware of Fraud Being Committed Against the Government?The term "qui tam" is roughly translated means, "He who helps the king helps himself."
In other words, if you help the government get back money obtained through fraud, you will be rewarded. The government fraud attorneys at our law firm know how to review your evidence and develop a case for recovering the government's money.
- School Bonds: Do you have proof that federally backed school bonds are being misused, that funds are being diverted to other projects or individuals?
- Health Care Fraud: Do you have evidence of fraud by hospitals, clinics, doctors, nursing homes, and other health care providers taking money from the government through fraudulent practices?
- Government Contracting: Are you aware of government contractors defense contractors and others being paid for services or products that are never delivered?
We believe that by being a whistleblower against government fraud is a service to your country.The consultation is free. We will not collect a fee unless we win. Call us day or night at 800-862-1260.