How Social Security Defines and Determines Disability
Social Security disability is a government program aimed at helping those who are disabled. In case you are one of those who have been disabled in one way or another, then you should try and learn on how Social Security disability program works. The program has rules which one must fulfill in order to access the benefits that the program offers. For instance one must be physically or mentally impaired, the impairment must prevent one from doing any work that can lead to earning income and the disability must have lasted for over a period of one year. The lasting of the disability will need the approval of a doctor from where the person affected will access necessary records to prove to the program. The following are ways on how social security defines and determines disability:
Is the Person Working?In case the person is working and his average earnings are more than $1,070 per month, which is the base amount set by social security in the year 2014, then the person will not be considered as being disabled.
Is the Condition Severe?For a person to be considered for a claim he must have a condition that is too severe up to the extent that it interferes with the normal working of the person. In case a person is suffering from a condition that does not hinder him from doing work then the social security will declare the person not disabled hence not eligible for any benefit.
Is the Disability Found in the List of Disabling Conditions?There are some disabling conditions that the social security will automatically consider in case you file a claim. The conditions are clearly listed in their lists. In case the condition in which a person is suffering from does not fall in the list then the administration of the security will determine whether the condition is severe or not for them to offer any benefits.
Can the Person Perform the Work He Used to do?For your claim to be accepted the condition must interfere with you, up to an extent where you will not be able to do the work you used to do completely.
Can the Person do any Other Work?Even if the disability may have prevented you from doing your regular job in case you have the capacity to do other jobs the social disability program will prevent you from receiving any benefits.
In case you live in El Paso, Texas and your loved one or you has questions about social security disability, or if you need help with your disability claim, the lawyers of Carabin Shaw are here to help. For a free consultation call us at 915.779.2301 and all your questions will be answered.