Texting Causes Death of Bicyclist

Being a cyclist on San Antonio streets is no easy feat. Although the city is becoming increasingly bike-friendly, it is nearly impossible to ensure the safety of every cyclist on the road. While proper signage, added bike lanes, safety courses and education all aide in keeping drivers and cyclists safe on the road, no preventative measures can fully take into account human error. Currently there is a crusade going on to keep motorists from texting and driving.

While most people are aware of the dangers of texting while driving, many seem to still be oblivious to the fact that their careless behavior can seriously injure or even kill someone out on the road, especially an unsuspecting cyclist. If you were injured by a driver who was texting while operating a vehicle contact us at Carabin Shaw today so we can put our San Antonio texting while cycling attorney on your case.

The National Safety Council released a report recently that showed 28% of the roughly 1.6 million crashes yearly are caused by drivers on cellphones or texting, leading to more and more headlines reading, “Texting Causes Death of Bicyclist.” The International Association for the Wireless Telecommunications Industry found that about 385 billion text messages were sent in the first half of 2008, compared with more than 740 billion during that same period in 2009. When you add driving to the mix, studies show the combination can be deadly.

A Virginia Tech Transportation Institute study determined truck drivers who text are 23 times more likely to crash than non-distracted driver. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration found texting drivers take their eyes off the road for about 4.6 seconds. That means while driving 55 mph, a driver would be crossing the entire length of a football field without looking out the windshield.

Tests by Car and Driver magazine showed sending and reading messages caused drivers to have significantly slower response times than those of drunken drivers. One drove an extra seven feet when reacting to brake lights while drunk, at 0.08%, the level at which drivers are presumed impaired in most states. While sober, that same driver went an extra 41 feet while texting and 45 feet more while reading a text message.

What tests and statistics reveal is your life could be ruined in a matter of seconds. You could be the victim featured in another “Texting Causes Death of Bicyclist” news story at no fault of your own. If this is something that has happened to you we have a team of lawyers ready to help you sort out the details and seek the compensation you need to recover after a texting while driving cycling accident.

The good news is legislation to ban texting and driving and campaigns to promote awareness of the dangers created by texting and driving are becoming the norm. Back in 2010 the former U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood announced a federal ban on texting for commercial truck drivers. Following the passing of that legislation many states took notice and started implementing their own bans at the local level. The Texas legislature has since implemented a law banning texting-and handheld cellphone use while driving. Since being passed, Texas joins 46 other states with texting-while-driving bans.

These new laws provide our team of San Antonio lawyers with the foundation they need to base a solid claim. Our attorneys know that the last thing you want is to see a loved one featured in a “Texting Causes Death of Bicyclist” news story, however if that nightmare has become your reality contact us immediately so we can pair you with a knowledgeable attorney that can help you recover from your loss.

Unfortunately, even with the new laws in place, more and more San Antonio cyclists are still being seriously injured by drivers who were texting and driving. One person who fell victim to a distracted driver is Mr. John Lampe, a local radiologist, who was hit by a driver in October 2015 as he cycled with a group of friends. The driver of the pick-up truck ran off the road as he was texting and hit Mr. Lampe, who was seriously injured as a result of the accident and had to be airlifted to a San Antonio hospital for treatment. The injuries he suffered caused both bleeding internally and in the brain. As a result he did have to spend the night in the Intensive Care Unit.

Injuries like Mr. Lampe's can be life-altering, and even worse, life-threatening. With the cycling community growing by the day in San Antonio, it is important to keep in mind many motorists are not educated on how to interact with cyclist on the road. Adding a cell phone to the mix creates more danger for cyclists.

If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of driver recklessness, Carabin Shaw have a team of bicycle accident & injury lawyers ready to help you receive the compensation you need to fully recover after you have been injured in a texting while driving accident. Our attorneys will take into account the injuries you have sustained and the cost for you to be fully rehabilitated after an accident to be sure you receive the maximum award. Call us today to schedule a free consultation at 210-222-2288, or toll-free at 800-862-1260.

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