San Antonio Hail Damage Claims

For those of you that suffered hail damage from the recent hail storm – the following instructions will help:

  1. Document the damage – take photos of any and all damage.
  2. You need to take the time to do a very close inspection of your roof. And if you don’t know how to spot hail damage to your roof, get an inspection for a roofing company.
  3. Call your insurance company and report any damage. Preferably with your free roof inspection report in hand.

Filing a hail damage insurance claim and successfully recovering from hail damage can at times be challenging given specific issues and wording with many insurance policies and inappropriate claims processing by certain insurance carriers.

All too often insurance adjusters fail or refuse to properly document and pay on hail damage claims.

Often, the assigned insurance adjuster’s training, experience and knowledge of a Hail Damage Adjustment Process will play a very important part in how your claim is handled.

A common issue that arises is if you will be paid to replace the complete roof or if a patch job will be offered as a partial repair.

The next question is if the insurance adjuster will apply deprecation to your roof and if so, is it fair and reasonable?

Additional issue: Some insurance company will dispute the damages were caused by Sunday’s hail storm, they might claim previous storms or claim previous wear and tear.

This is where you may need the professional help and an aggressive team of experienced attorneys that will represent your best interests.

Do not get pushed around by your Insurance Company.

It just makes good sense to have a team of professionals working on your side to make sure you don’t get the run around.

Know your right, protect your rights and pick up the phone and call Carabin Shaw– Today.

The call to Carabin Shaw is free. The consultation is free. Call 210.300.3000.

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