Qui Tam Whistleblower Lawyers

If you are personally aware of a situation where where the government was cheated under a contract or for medical care or other business arrangement, you may be a potential qui tam whistleblower. You should consider coming forward.

Under Qui Tam Law, a private citizen who is personally aware and knows of fraud being committed against the Government - may, through privately retained lawyers, file a lawsuit to recover the losses caused by the fraud. The False Claims Act provides significant financial incentives to citizens who uncover fraud against the government. We Stand on Your Side.

Call us today for a Free Consultation 800-862-1260.

If you believe you have a case, tell us about it in a free consultation. Our lawyers will discuss with you the qui tam case for free and if we accept the case it will be accepted on a contingency fee basis. That means your lawyers are paid at the end of the case, only if we help you win. In a qui tam case, the person who reports the fraud is referred to as the relator. Many courts have ruled that the relator should have an attorney since the relator's attorney will, in effect, be acting as the government's attorney.

What Types of Situations are Covered Under the False Claims Act?
  • Making a false statement to avoid paying a debt to the government or to avoid delivering property to the government
  • Causing someone else to submit a false or fraudulent claim
  • Billing for expensive equipment but providing cheaper equipment
  • Up-coding schemes (billing for a higher service than was performed) and unbundling (charging for individual services that should be "bundled" into one charge)
  • Submitting or preparing a false record or statement in order to get a false or fraudulent claim paid by the government
  • Conspiring with another individual or company to have a false or fraudulent claim paid by the government
  • Creating or giving to the government a false receipt for its property

Call us today for a Free Consultation 800-862-1260.

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