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Workplace Accidents in Cedar Hill, TX - Understanding Your Rights

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

Although employers are required to follow certain national and statewide safety regulations, workplace injuries remain extremely common in the United States. In 2021, nearly 179,000 cases of nonfatal workplace injuries were recorded by private industry employers in Texas alone. These accidents can occur in any workplace environment, and aren’t limited to employees doing manual labor.

In the aftermath of a workplace injury, you may be overwhelmed from trying to juggle physical recovery, new financial burdens, and the legal process of ensuring compensation all at the same time. Knowing your rights as a victim of Cedar Hill, TX work injuries can help you avoid being taken advantage of by your employer or insurance company, and can help you maximize your compensation.

After a Serious Work Injury in Texas

Having firsthand knowledge of these rights, which are outlined below, is important; however, no worker can be expected to understand the many nuances of workplace accident law on their own, which is why seeking the guidance of a seasoned workplace injury attorney in Cedar Hill, Texas is a crucial step in securing compensation.

1. Right to Seek Compensation

First and foremost, victims of workplace accidents in Cedar Hill, TX have the right to seek financial compensation for their injuries. If your employer offers Workers’ Compensation benefits, you have the right to file a claim. Depending on the situation surrounding your injury, you may be entitled to reimbursement for medical care, as well as income benefits.

Not all employers in Texas are required to offer Workers’ Compensation benefits. If your employer isn’t a part of the Workers’ Compensation system, you’re still entitled to seek compensation for your injuries through a personal injury lawsuit.

2. Right to Confidentiality

You have the right to keep the details of your workplace injury claim private from everyone, excluding parties who are directly dealing with your case, such as your employer or insurance company. If you believe that your right to confidentiality has been violated, you should tell your lawyer, as this detail may become a relevant part of your case.

3. Protection Against Retribution

Employers in Texas are legally prohibited from retaliating against an employee who is seeking compensation for a workplace injury, either through a workers’ compensation Cedar Hill TX claim or a personal injury lawsuit. Retaliatory action can include being fired or laid off, getting suspended, facing a reduction in pay, or experiencing a change of responsibilities.

If you suspect that an action taken by your employer might have been retaliatory, you should immediately inform a lawyer, so that you can take advantage of legal protections.

4. Right to Hire Legal Representation

Most importantly, if you have suffered from a workplace injury, you have the right to hire an attorney who can aid you in pursuing compensation. Workplace injury victims who have chosen to work with Carabin Shaw have been extremely satisfied with the legal representation our team provides; you can learn more by browsing Carabin Shaw’s client reviews.

To utilize the expertise of a workplace injury lawyer, meet with one of the top Texas attorneys at Carabin Shaw, who can offer you a free case review and initial consultation. To take advantage of this opportunity, call our 24/7 toll-free number (800-862-1260), which is staffed by both English-speaking and Spanish-speaking employees.

Free Case Review With Top Texas Attorneys

The expert attorneys at Carabin Shaw are eager to speak with you about your legal options after suffering from an injury in a workplace accident. Workplace injury claims do have a statute of limitations, so it’s vital to seek legal counsel as soon as possible. Call Carabin Shaw today to schedule your free case review and initial consultation.

For further information:

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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