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Work Injury Attorneys in Lockhart TX - Third-Party Liability in Construction Accidents

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

Construction is buzzing in Lockhart, with the Downtown Revitalization Project underway. While the work will bring welcome improvement to the historic area, construction also presents hazards, particularly to those working on the sites. More than 9,000 construction workers were hurt in Texas in 2023, with some suffering life-changing injuries.

The Lockhart lawyers at Carabin Shaw see the consequences of construction accidents firsthand as we seek compensation for injured victims. Workers’ compensation provides some financial relief but rarely covers all the costs of catastrophic injuries. We help workers identify third parties that played a role in their accidents and hold them liable for injuries and losses to maximize damages for our clients. We provide free case reviews in English or Spanish 24/7 at 800-862-1260.

What is Third-Party Liability?

A third party is an individual or company outside your employer that creates a hazard at the construction site. Common third parties contributing to construction accidents might include:

  • General contractors or subcontractors
  • Commercial drivers or equipment operators
  • Equipment manufacturers
  • Property owners
  • Project engineers and architects

An experienced personal injury attorney investigates construction accidents to identify all responsible parties. Because construction projects involve many parties, more than one may contribute to your accident. Texas operates under the proportionate liability rule, which means every party at fault in the accident can also be liable for damages to the injured victim. By identifying all at-fault parties, your Texas work accident lawyers can help you maximize damages for your medical bills, lost wages, and other losses.

Examples of Third-Party Negligence on Construction Sites

To hold a third party responsible for a victim’s injuries, a workplace accident attorney must show the party’s negligence led to the accident and subsequent injuries. Negligence is the failure to behave with a reasonable level of care. Common examples of third-party negligence on construction sites include:

  • A property owner fails to install a carbon monoxide detector, and you are unknowingly exposed to a toxic gas leak
  • A commercial driver runs into you while delivering supplies to the construction site
  • A subcontractor digs a faulty trench, resulting in a severe fall
  • A forklift malfunctions and causes injury due to a manufacturing defect
  • The safety guard comes off the power tool you are using, leading to a serious laceration
Third-Party Lawsuits vs. Workers’ Compensation

Injured employees often make the mistake of thinking workers’ compensation will be sufficient for their financial needs while they recover from their injuries. Unfortunately, that is not typically the case. Workers’ comp covers all “necessary” medical costs, as determined by the workers’ compensation program. It also pays a percentage of lost wages. Employees with serious injuries quickly find this compensation is not sufficient for the high costs of their injury, rehabilitation, and time out of work. It also does not address intangible losses, such as pain and suffering.

Filing a lawsuit with the help of a construction accident lawyer in Lockhart TX allows accident victims to seek damages beyond what is covered by workers’ comp. The additional compensation ensures their bills are covered while they heal and return to their daily lives. Those damages might include:

  • Additional medical costs and lost wages
  • Impairment, disability and disfigurement
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Mental and emotional distress
  • Loss of consortium

Workers’ compensation is available to injured employees regardless of who was at fault for the accident, but limits the amount of damages you may receive. A personal injury lawsuit requires you to prove negligence but offers higher damages to compensate for all your economic and non-economic losses. Your lawyer can help you simultaneously file for workers’ compensation and a personal injury lawsuit.

Hurt and Out of Work? Contact Our Work Injury Attorneys in Lockhart, Texas, Today To Schedule Your Free Consultation!

A construction accident can cause disabling injuries that keep you from working and supporting your family. Our compassionate legal team at Carabin Shaw can help, as our client reviews demonstrate. We offer our services on a contingency-fee-basis, so you don’t pay anything upfront until we win your case. Contact us toll-free today at 800-862-1260.

For more information:

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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