Who is Responsible for My 18 Wheeler Accident? | Texas Attorneys
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Have you been injured in a truck accident in Ozona, Texas? You may be wondering how you can move forward. A truck accident can be devastating to your health, well-being, and your family’s finances. You might be considering legal action as a possible next step, but you may also find yourself asking questions such as “Who is responsible for my 18 wheeler accident?”
Carabin Shaw is here to help. We have years of experience in personal injury claims related to 18 wheeler accidents. If you would like to learn more about us, we offer free, no-obligation consultations at 1-800-862-1260.
What Are Common Causes of 18 Wheeler Accidents in Ozona?Commercial vehicle accidents occur for a number of reasons, many of which can constitute negligence. Some are:
- Driver distraction, including texting while driving
- Driver fatigue
- Driver intoxication
- Failure to obey speed limits
- Failure to signal merges and lane changes
- Failure to properly secure cargo
- Failure to properly inspect the vehicle
- Operator error, which can lead to accidents such as jackknifing
If you believe that any of the above were a factor in your accident, look into Ozona truck accident attorneys to help you pursue a personal injury case.
Determining ResponsibilityYou might be wondering, “Who is responsible for my 18 Wheeler accident?” When trucking companies hire drivers, they assume responsibility for those drivers’ actions under their employ. It is incumbent on them to ensure to their best ability that drivers are operating safely. If a trucking company employs a driver who is not licensed for large trucks, does not provide proper training, provides the driver with faulty or poorly-inspected machinery, or forces the driver to work longer hours and/or with fewer breaks than is legally required, they are acting negligently in a way that may have contributed to your accident.
The driver themselves is less likely to have sole responsibility. However, this may be the case if they were operating the vehicle on their own time, if they were intentionally under-reporting their hours, if they were under the influence, or for other reasons that their employer would not have control over. However, even if you believe this to be the case, speak to your attorney about who they think is most likely to be held legally responsible.
An important step in pursuing a successful personal injury claim after an 18 wheeler accident in Ozona is making sure that it is directed toward the appropriate target. You may be unsure whether your claim should be directed toward the diver involved in your accident, to their employer, or both. An attorney who specializes in commercial vehicle accident litigation will work with you to determine which target is correct for your case.
How Can I Find Ozona Truck Accident Attorneys?If you have already researched lawyers to help you with a truck accident claim, you have likely come up with several results. Truck accidents are unfortunately quite common in Texas, and as a result many lawyers claim them as an area of specialty. However, you don’t want to blindly hire someone without vetting them first.
This is where a free consultation can help. A consultation gives you the chance to speak to an attorney before you decide whether or not to hire them. Clients often inquire about how an attorney might pursue their case, what the process might look like, and what they see as a likely outcome. You can also ask about an attorney’s record and their level of experience with cases like yours. Have they handled claims related to truck accidents in Ozona, Texas before?
Carabin Shaw offers free consultations to potential clients to see if we could be right for your case. Call us today at 1-800-862-1260.