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What's Best for Your San Antonio Motor Vehicle Accident Case? Settlements vs. Trials


When you've been involved in a motor vehicle accident in San Antonio, you're faced with a critical decision: whether to pursue a settlement or take your case to trial. Both options have their merits, but it's important to understand the key factors that can influence this choice. In this article, we'll delve into the considerations surrounding settlements and trials for San Antonio motor vehicle accident injuries, helping you make an informed decision about what's best for your San Antonio motor vehicle accident case.

The Pros and Cons of Settlements Pros
  1. Faster Resolution: One of the most significant advantages of reaching a settlement is the expeditious resolution it offers. Settling your case often takes less time compared to the potentially lengthy process of going to trial.
  2. Predictable Outcome: Settlements provide a level of predictability. You know exactly how much compensation you'll receive and can avoid the uncertainty that comes with a trial verdict.
  3. Lower Costs: Trials can incur substantial expenses, including legal fees, court costs, and expert witness fees. Settling your case can help you avoid these costs and keep more of your compensation.
  1. Potentially Lower Compensation: While settlements offer predictability, they may result in a lower compensation amount compared to what you could potentially receive through a trial verdict.
  2. Less Publicity: Settlements are often confidential, which means that any wrongdoing on the part of the defendant might not be publicly exposed.
The Pros and Cons of Trials Pros
  1. Potentially Higher Compensation: Trials provide the opportunity to present your case before a judge and jury, who may award you a larger compensation amount than what might be offered in a settlement.
  2. Public Accountability: Trials are public proceedings, which means that any negligence or misconduct on the part of the defendant is exposed and can potentially prevent similar accidents in the future.
  3. Legal Precedent: A trial verdict can set a legal precedent that influences future cases and holds negligent parties accountable.
  1. Time-Consuming: Trials can be lengthy and time-consuming processes, potentially prolonging the time it takes to receive compensation.
  2. Higher Costs: As mentioned earlier, trials come with higher costs, including legal fees, court expenses, and expert witness fees.
Factors to Consider

When deciding between a settlement and a trial, consider these key factors:

  • Strength of Evidence: If you have strong evidence supporting your claim, you may have a higher chance of success at trial, potentially resulting in a more favorable verdict.
  • Risk Tolerance: Trials come with inherent risks, as there's no guarantee of a favorable outcome. Consider your risk tolerance and willingness to potentially face an unfavorable verdict.
  • Time Constraints: Consider your need for timely compensation. If you require immediate financial support, a settlement might be a more suitable option.
  • Legal Counsel: Consult with an experienced San Antonio personal injury attorney to get an accurate assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of your case and receive guidance on the best course of action. Our team at Carabin Shaw can be that counsel for you.
Consult with Experts

The decision between settling your motor vehicle accident case or pursuing a trial should not be taken lightly. Consulting with the best auto accident injury attorney in San Antonio can provide you with the insights and guidance you need to make an informed choice. Reach out to us today toll-free at 800-862-1260 for a free case review and initial consultation. Our English and Spanish speaking, dedicated team of attorneys are here 24/7 to help you navigate this pivotal decision and work tirelessly to ensure your rights are protected. Check out testimony from previous client success and victories by visiting Carabin Shaw’s client reviews and see the results our lawyers can achieve.

In the end, whether you choose a settlement or a trial, the ultimate goal is to secure the compensation you rightfully deserve. Let the Texas attorneys at Carabin Shaw be your partner in pursuing justice and holding responsible parties accountable.

For More Information:

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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