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What Is Your Burn Injury Claim Worth?

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

In Amarillo, victims suffer from burn injuries more often than you think. Car accidents, kitchen fires, and workplace accidents can all cause burn injuries that can have life-long repercussions. Burn victims may have permanent disfigurement and scarring, which can require skin grafting and a need for plastic surgery.

Every year, almost 5,000 people die due to a burn injury in the United States.

If you or a loved one has suffered a burn injury in Amarillo, we can help. Our Amarillo personal injury attorneys are ready to review your case. The Texas burn injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw have worked countless cases and fought to get what’s right for every client that’s walked through our doors.

Severity of Burns

Amarillo burn victims can have burns that range from mild to severe. Depending on the type of accident you suffered, you may experience the following types of burns:

  1. First degree - First degree burns are the mildest type of burn because they only affect the epidermis, the outermost layer of skin. Although first degree burns are the least severe, they can still be painful. People who suffer first degree burns can experience serious pain. On average, first degree burns heal within a few days and don’t require serious medical attention.
  2. Second degree - The next level of burns is second degree burns, which impacts both the epidermis and the dermis, the second layer of skin. Second degree burns are more severe than first degree burns, and can take up to three weeks to heal. In some instances, second degree burns may require in-depth medical attention to avoid infection.
  3. Third degree - More severe than first degree and second degree burns are third degree burns, which burn through the epidermis and dermis and affect the underlying muscle, tendon, and bone. Third degree burns are extremely severe and often require skin grafting and plastic surgery.
Compensation Available in a Burn Injury Claim

Many burn victims wonder, “What is your burn injury claim worth?” The following are the types of damages you may be entitled to in an Amarillo burn injury claim:

  • Economic Damages

    One category of damages you may be awarded are economic damages, which are those damages that have a tangible monetary value. In most cases, you’ll be able to recover economic damages such as medical bills or loss of income if someone else’s negligence was responsible for your accident. If you have questions, a lawyer can answer them.

  • Non-Economic Damages

    Non-economic damages, as opposed to economic damages, are damages for things that don’t have an exact dollar value. One of the most common examples of non-economic damages is pain and suffering. Depending on the severity of your injuries and the impact they have had on your life, you can win substantial damages for pain and suffering, especially in burn injury cases. Other examples of non-economic damages include loss of enjoyment of life and loss of consortium.

    To learn more, speak with an attorney.

  • Punitive Damages

    In cases of extreme negligence, a jury may award a plaintiff punitive damages. Punitive damages are damages that are meant to punish the at-fault party for their exhibition of serious negligence. They are used as a deterrent to set an example in hopes to prevent others from acting in a similar regard. Although they are only awarded in the worst of accident cases, punitive damages can greatly increase the worth of your claim.

    To know if punitive damages apply to your case, talk to an Amarillo personal injury attorney.

The Right Team to Fight for You | Free Case Review

If you or a loved one is one of the many Amarillo burn victims, we can be there for you. Our Texas burn injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw have nearly thirty years of experience fighting for victims and their families after injustice was done to them. We’ve won over $1 billion for our past clients.

Call us today at 800-862-1260 or fill out our online form for a free consultation.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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