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Victims of Burn Injuries at Work in Amarillo

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

Many Amarillo workers are injured in workplace burn accidents every year. Depending on the severity of their burns, these workers may suffer permanent disability, disfigurement, or loss of wage-earning abilities. Severe burns usually result in substantial medical bills as they may require extensive stays in specialized burn units and long-term physical therapy.

Workers and their families should not have to face these immense burdens alone. If you or a loved one were burned at your place of work, burn injury attorneys in Amarillo Texas can help you seek financial compensation.

Who is at Risk for Workplace Burn Injuries?

Amarillo is home to many industries that may put workers at higher risk for burn injuries. Of all the city’s workers, the following are most likely to sustain severe burn injuries during the course of their employment:

  • Firefighters
  • Mechanics
  • Food-service workers
  • Custodial staff
  • Electricians
  • Oilfield workers
  • Commercial drivers

It is important to acknowledge, however, that burn injuries can occur at any workplace. All workplaces have the responsibility to upkeep proper safety standards for the wellbeing of their employees. No matter where you work, if you were injured during the course of your employment, you deserve fair financial compensation for your burn injuries.

Can You File a Burn Injury Lawsuit Against Your Employer?

If your employer subscribes to workman’s compensation insurance, you may have been offered workman’s compensation for your burn injuries. Most employers whose employees work in hazardous conditions likely already subscribe to this type of insurance.

It is important to note that if you accept workman’s compensation, you will be ineligible to file a workplace burn injury lawsuit against your employer. It is important to consult with an attorney to verify that your employer has offered fair compensation for the full extent of your injuries before accepting workman’s compensation.

If you have not already accepted workman’s compensation, you may still be eligible to file a workplace burn injury lawsuit with the help of a burn injury attorney in Amarillo Texas if either of the following conditions apply:

  1. Were you denied workman’s compensation?

    If your employer does not subscribe to workman’s compensation or insurance or fails to offer fair compensation, an Amarillo work injury attorney can help you determine if you should file a personal injury or workplace liability lawsuit against your employer.

  2. Were you injured by a party other than your employer?

    If your workplace burn injuries were not caused by your direct employer, you may not be offered workman’s compensation. Other parties who may cause workplace burn injuries include outside contractors, vendors, or negligent co-workers. If your workplace injuries were caused by one of these third parties, they should be held financially liable for your damages.

Whatever the extent of your damages after a workplace burn accident, you should be aware of all your options. If you are still unsure if you qualify to file a workplace burn injury lawsuit against your employer or other parties, contact a qualified personal injury lawyer to learn more.

Top Texas Burn Injury Attorneys at Carabin Shaw

If you have been injured in a workplace burn accident, you deserve financial compensation for your injuries. If you would like to file a burn injury lawsuit, contact the Amarillo work injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw. We have proudly represented victims of burn injuries at work in Amarillo for nearly thirty years. Our “client-first” philosophy and hands-on approach have earned us the reputation as the foremost burn injury attorneys in Texas.

Free Case Review

We offer no-cost, no-obligation case reviews for Amarillo burn victims. If you would like to schedule your free consultation with the Texas burn injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw, call our office toll-free today at 800-862-1260 or fill out our online form.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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