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Uber & Lyft Physical Assault Cases in San Antonio Tx


Uber/Lyft passenger safety in Texas has never been under more scrutiny. Even though Uber only reports fatal assaults to the government, assault reports are covered extensively by news outlets. The San Antonio lawyers at Carabin Shaw believe that rideshare passengers deserve better. If you have been physically assaulted by a driver, take comfort in knowing that our attorneys are in your corner.

Examples of Uber/Lyft Driver Assaults across the U.S.

Uber alone saw 20 fatalities due to physical assault between 2019-2020, according to their U.S. Safety Report. However, they do not include non-fatal assaults in their numbers. Lyft, meanwhile, reported 10 fatal physical assaults with the same rules around not reporting non-fatal assaults.

Unfortunately, rideshare assaults can happen wherever these platforms, and others, are available. Since physical assault can take many forms, an Uber assault attorneys in San Antonio Tx can help you identify what forms of assault you can file claims for in Texas.

After a Rideshare a Assault in San Antonio | Victims’ Legal Options

If you have been the victim of a rideshare physical assault in San Antonio, you have various options in pursuing legal justice and financial compensation for your injuries. Primarily these can come in the form of criminal cases or civil lawsuits.

Criminal Prosecution

Assault and battery is a crime in Texas, and physical assault can often fall under that umbrella. With the support of a lawyer, you can file a criminal case to ensure that the assaulter faces legal consequences such as:

  • Jail time
  • Fines
  • Probation

Additionally, you may be able to pursue legal action against the company that hired your assaulter as well. San Antonio rideshare assault lawyers can help you prove that Uber/Lyft failed to perform the necessary background checks to ensure that they didn’t hire violent individuals. This can result in a claim against the company for negligent hiring practices.

Civil Lawsuit

A civil lawsuit is where you are most likely to win compensation for the injuries you sustained at the hands of an assaulter, and is especially useful if you have sustained substantial harm. Our team can help you fight for the funds you need to:

  • Pay medical bills related to the injuries
  • Make up for lost work hours as you focus on healing
  • Alleviate pain and suffering, whether it be physical or mental, resulting from the assault

Fighting for the compensation you are owed without the support of expert attorneys can be extremely complicated. As stated by the Texas Penal Code, all duties regarding the burden of proof, whether it be in a criminal or civil case, are the responsibility of the injured party.

Hiring a personal injury attorney with Carabin Shaw means winning the expertise of a trusted professional who will communicate with insurance companies on your behalf, gather evidence to provide liability in your case, determine any individuals and companies that may be held accountable for your injuries, and ensure that you win your maximum possible compensation.

Visit the Carabin Shaw reviews to see examples of the expert guidance that we provide.

Carabin Shaw Attorneys for Rideshare Assault in San Antonio | Free Case Review

You and your loved ones deserve to work alongside a law firm that will put your best interests first. At Carabin Shaw, our free case review guarantees you the opportunity to speak with an attorney face-to-face and learn about the claims process as it applies to your case.

Contingency-Fee Arrangement

Our priority is to provide quality support to victims of rideshare assault. To meet this priority, we offer our services on a contingency-fee basis. This means that, regardless of how long it takes to file your claim and win your case, you pay us absolutely nothing until your case has been won.

Your Recovery Matters—Contact Us Now for a Free Consultation and Take Control of Your Legal Journey

Our English and Spanish-speaking staff are ready to take your call as soon as you are ready to begin your personal injury claim. We are available 24/7, toll-free at 800-862-1260.

For more information

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

Client Reviews
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