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Typical Causes of Burn Injuries in Allen Tx

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Every day, people in Allen Texas suffer burn injuries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 40,000 burn victims require hospitalization every year in the United States.

If you or a loved one has suffered a burn injury due to another’s negligence, the Texas injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw can give you hope. Our burn injury attorneys in Allen have decades of experience fighting for clients to get them justice. At our law firm, we always take the time to listen to clients about their unique circumstances to understand how we can best serve them.

Types of Burns You May Experience in Allen Texas and Their Causes

The first thing that comes to mind when people think about burn injuries is usually fires, but there are a number of ways that people in Allen Texas can suffer burns in an accident.

The following are the typical causes of burn injuries in Allen Tx:

Thermal Burns

Thermal burns are the most common type of burn, accounting for nearly 75% of all burn injuries. Although fires are a primary source of thermal burns, they can also be caused by contact with hot metals and steams or liquids, which are known as scaldings.

Radiation Burns

People can also suffer burns due to radiation, which occur because of prolonged exposure to a source of radiation. Sunburns are one of the most common types of radiation burns. X-rays and certain cancer treatments can also lead to radiation burns. Talk to an attorney if you’ve suffered radiation burns.

Chemical Burns

When irritants such as acidic substances come into contact with people’s skin or eyes, it can lead to chemical burns. Everyday household products such as bleach, ammonia, chlorine, and battery acid can cause chemical burns. These types of burns are especially dangerous because they can penetrate deep beneath the skin.

Electrical Burns

Another cause of burns is electricity. Most often, electrical burns happen when a victim interferes with an electrical current, such as an exposed wire. Electrical burns can damage your internal organs, so it’s essential to see a doctor as soon as possible if you’ve suffered an electrical burn.

Allen Tx burn victims deserve justice after suffering due to another’s negligence. If someone else caused your accident, speak with a trusted lawyer.

How Is a Burn’s Severity Assessed by Medical Professionals?

When victims in Allen Tx suffer serious burn injuries, medical professionals will assess several variables to determine the overall severity of the victim’s burn:

Depth of the Burn

The first step to determine the severity of the burn is to measure the depth of the burn. Mild burns, such as first-degree burns, will only impact the epidermis. Severe burns, like third-degree burns, penetrate both layers of skin and damage the underlying tendons, muscles, and even bones.

Coverage of the Body

Another primary factor in judging a burn’s severity is the percentage of total body surface area (TBSA) that has been covered by the burn. Medical professionals often use “the rule of nines” to estimate the TBSA impacted by the accident. The rule of nines assigns each body part a percentage to quickly calculate the TBSA:

  • Each arm = 9%
  • Neck and head = 9%
  • Each leg = 18%
  • The rear of the body (posterior trunk) = 18%
  • The front of the body (anterior trunk) = 18%
Other Factors

In addition to the degree of burn and its coverage of the body, other factors are evaluated, including the victim’s age, the type of burn they’ve suffered, the extent of damage to their lungs, and more.

Burn injury attorneys in Allen can talk to you about how these factors will affect your potential compensation.

Carabin Shaw Is Dedicated to Fighting for Justice | Free Consultations

If you’re an Allen Tx burn victim, there is help available. The Texas injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw can be the ones you need by your side to fight for justice in your case.

For a free case review, call 800-862-1260 or fill out our online contact form.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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