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Truck Accident Attorney in San Antonio TX - Free Consultation at Carabin Shaw


Trucks have a long history in San Antonio, so it’s no surprise that the city’s best-selling vehicles in 2022 were all trucks; some residents even raised concerns about the potential hazards of so many large vehicles in the city.

Between trucks’ large bodies and blind spots, accidents are bound to happen. When they do, a San Antonio TX truck accident attorney can greatly help. To learn more about how the lawyers at Carabin Shaw can help your case, call 800-862-1260 today to schedule your free consultation.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents in Texas

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration conducted a study involving over a thousand large trucks to determine common causes of truck accidents. The results were divided into three categories: driver, vehicle, and environment.

Driver Errors on the Road

Reasons related to the drivers themselves causing the collisions included the driver falling asleep, being distracted, driving too fast, misjudging the situation, or simply having poor driving performance.

The third top most common overall factor the study found for these accidents was prescription drug use, and the fourth was driving too fast, both of which are on the driver.

An Issue with the Breaks

The most common factor found to cause large truck accidents was brake problems, which accounted for about a third of all accidents. Especially with larger vehicles, being able to slow down is crucial.

Roadway Issues and Congestion

Have you ever gotten into an accident while looking at an accident? That’s why the second most common factor was traffic flow interruption, such as a previous crash. General roadway problems were also found to be a top factor.

How 18-Wheeler Accidents Are Different Than Passenger Vehicle Collisions

Getting into an 18-wheeler crash in San Antonio is unlike other accidents for a few distinct reasons. Here are some examples:

There are Different Regulations

Since these big trucks are larger machines with greater risks involved, insurance policies can look different. Regulations can also vary depending on the size of the truck and whether it is commercial or not.

Liability is Sometimes Shared

In the case of a commercial truck vehicle, liability may not just fall on the driver as it does with other car accidents. Depending on the cause, the trucking company, loading company, and manufacturer may all be negligible.

The Damages can be Greater

Trucks of any sort have more body mass and can thus lead to greater impact. Sometimes the damage is considered catastrophic, impacting the rest of a person’s life. Be it property damages or personal injuries, these cases tend to see larger settlements.

When to Call a Local San Antonio Attorney for a Trucking Accident

Knowing when to get the authorities, legal system, and representation involved with an accident can be tricky. There are a few key components of a truck accident that indicate it’s time to get a lawyer. Here are a few:

  • The damages are significant
  • You need to prove someone is at fault
  • You are negotiating with insurance companies
  • You aren’t sure your case is worth investigating and want to find out

It’s best to find a truck accident lawyer in San Antonio, Texas, who understands the local legal system and climate around these kinds of claims. At Carabin Shaw, our client reviews illustrate our expertise, compassion, and commitment.

Carabin-Shaw, Your Most-Trusted Truck Accident Attorneys - Call Now To Learn How To Get Compensation for Your Damages, FREE CASE REVIEW!

If you or someone you love is involved in a truck accident, the San Antonio personal injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw are here to help. Our goal is to assist all of our clients in receiving the greatest compensation possible, and our team will stop at nothing to do so.

We’re so confident in our abilities that we offer our services on a contingency fee basis, meaning we don’t get paid until you win your case. If you’re ready for legal support you can trust, call our English—and Spanish-speaking staff toll-free, 24/7, at 800-862-1260.

For more information:

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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