Third-Party Liability: Holding Contractors Accountable for Colleyville, Texas Construction Accidents

Some construction accidents have a clear responsible party, but there can also be a third party who contributes causal factors. In Colleyville, TX, the courts may hold these parties liable for damages, but it takes a good lawyer to present a clear case.

If you’ve suffered injuries in a construction accident, your Colleyville TX construction accident lawyer will help you identify all responsible parties and include them in your personal injury lawsuit. Check out our client reviews from the legal team at Carabin Shaw, and find out how we’ve helped our clients. We offer our services on a contingency-fee basis.

Third-Party Liability in Pedestrian Accidents

In many construction accidents, it is the worker or the property owner who suffers injuries. However, construction sites near public areas present a hazard to pedestrians as well. Examples of third-party liability in Colleyville, Texas pedestrian accidents include:

  • Poorly marked detours or closures: Drivers may hit a pedestrian while navigating poorly-designated construction zones, and Texas construction companies are liable for improper safety measures taken to make the area safe.
  • Falling debris: If a tool or construction material falls on a pedestrian while walking by the construction site, the construction company may be liable.
  • Trip and fall hazard: Finally, if a pedestrian trips and falls due to uneven sidewalks, disturbed ground, or construction tools, the courts may declare injuries to be the fault of the construction company.
Motor Vehicle Accidents and Third-Party Liability

A construction site injury attorney in Colleyville Texas may discover that construction workers or environments created by these workers caused a motor vehicle accident. Examples of these accidents include:

  • Negligent drivers: Construction vehicles entering Texas roadways abruptly and causing accidents.
  • Poor traffic control: The construction company does not use proper signage, traffic lights, or land markings, which in-turn causes a construction zone accident.
  • Road debris: Construction materials spill onto the road and cause an accident.
Other Third-Party Injuries

There are many other ways that construction companies can contribute fault to an accident. That is why it is important to call an attorney if you are injured by a Colleyville construction project. Here are some examples of other third-party injuries that have occurred, and a third-party was at-fault:

  • Neighboring property damage: Homeowners insurance doesn’t want to pay for damage caused by the construction next door. When construction work causes damage to nearby buildings or homes, the court can hold the construction company liable.
  • Hazardous material exposure: Asbestos and lead paint are common exposures on construction sites working with older buildings. Any nearby residents that suffer exposures to hazardous materials may be able to sue the construction company that caused the exposure.
  • Negligent security: If trespassers enter the property and get injured because a construction company did not secure a site, they may be liable for damages. For example, leaving large equipment unattended and unlocked could entice children to play on it and cause an accident.
Additional Factors

Finally, there are two other types of third-party liability that stem from construction work, and that is subcontractor negligence and defective products. Subcontractors’ mistakes, errors, and improper safety protocols can cause injuries for which a general contractor may be liable. Also, faulty products or construction materials can injure occupants or bystanders, which the court could determine was the contractor’s responsibility. An experienced lawyer can track the negligence to the source, so you can get the compensation you deserve.

Ultimately, contractors are responsible for the safety of their projects, and that includes how their worksites impact the safety of outsiders. If you’ve been injured on or near a construction site and believe that a third-party caused your injuries, contact a qualified lawyer as soon as possible.

Take Control After an Accident & Call Today To Schedule Your Free Initial Consultation - Justice and Compensation Can’t Wait

The Texas construction injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw have English- AND Spanish-speaking staff available 24/7 to answer your call. We offer a free case review, and our team is skilled in helping you navigate the Texas legal system. Call our toll-free number at 800-862-1260, and get compensation for your injuries from the party that was responsible for your Colleyville, TX construction accident.

For more information:

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

Client Reviews
We are very glad we called Carabin Shaw after our accident. We now recommend them to everyone. - Griselda S.
You want Carabin Shaw on your side after an accident. They were excellent. - Valerie S.
In our opinion, no one is better, Carabin Shaw is the Law Firm you want on your side after an accident. - Amanda G.
The attorneys and staff went out of their way to help us after our accident. Thank you Carabin Shaw. - Melinda F.
We did our research after our accident and chose Carabin Shaw. They were great. Highly recommend. Joel Y.