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Third-Party Construction Zone Accidents in Lumberton TX - Serious Damages & Injuries

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

Lumberton is known for its beautiful parks, including Village Creek State Park. This bedroom community to Beaumont features numerous subdivisions, which keep the construction business booming. Those bustling construction sites see plenty of traffic, with many entities involved in the project and curious onlookers checking out progress.

Unfortunately, heavy foot traffic in a construction site can increase accident risk. Hazards like falling objects, hazardous materials, and heavy machinery can cause potentially devastating injuries to third parties like subcontractors and vendors. Lumberton TX personal injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw help these accident victims understand their rights and pursue compensation for their injuries. If you are the victim of a construction zone accident, contact us 24/7 at 800-862-1260.

Types of Third Party Construction Accidents

Construction accidents that commonly occur to workers can also happen to others on or around the site. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) lists the top construction hazards, calling them the “Fatal Four”:

  • Slips, trips, and falls
  • Struck by objects
  • Caught in or between objects
  • Electrocutions

Struck by injuries happen when a piece of equipment or other object hits a victim. The impact of the object can cause severe injury or death. Fatalities from being struck by an object were higher than deaths from getting struck by a vehicle from 2011 through 2019. For visitors at construction sites, an object can suddenly drop without much warning.

Non-employees might also experience injuries from exposure to toxic materials frequently found at construction sites. With numerous commercial vehicles at many sites, vehicle accidents can also occur.

Who Is at Risk for Construction Site Accidents in Lumberton, Texas?

Construction accident victims might include:

  • Bystanders and pedestrians
  • Subcontractors working on the site
  • Inspectors conducting audits
  • Delivery workers bringing equipment and supplies
  • Utility workers addressing lines near the site
  • Journalists reporting on the construction project

Visitors may not know how to take proper precautions around a construction site, leaving them more vulnerable to injuries. Survivors of these accidents often face catastrophic injuries that change their lives. An experienced attorney helps accident victims pursue compensation for their injuries and losses.

Did Construction Site Negligence Contribute to Your Injuries?

Construction companies must maintain a safe work zone, but only 65% of construction firms conduct ongoing hazard analysis throughout the project. Without constant monitoring, hazards can develop and go unnoticed until the unthinkable occurs. A civilian could be injured in a construction zone due to:

  • Objects or debris left on sidewalks or roadways
  • Objects falling outside the perimeter of the site
  • Lack of a safe walking path for pedestrians
  • Insufficient or improper warning signage
  • Insecure scaffolding that collapses

When a construction company’s negligence caused your accident, you can hold the company liable for your injuries. To pursue compensation, your lawyer must prove the construction company breached its duty of care to maintain a safe environment for workers and non-employees and that the breach led directly to your injuries.

Construction companies aren’t the only parties that could be liable for an accident on the work site. Other potential at-fault parties include:

  • A property owner who fails to maintain a safe property
  • Subcontractors who don’t follow safety guidelines
  • Equipment manufacturers that created a defective product
  • Government entities that fail to enforce construction safety regulations

Construction accidents can be complex to investigate and challenging to hold at-fault parties liable. You need a legal team to help you navigate the process and pursue compensation.

Hurt and Unable to Work? Contact Our Texas Construction Accident Attorneys Now, Free Case Review!

If you are injured on or near a construction site, you have rights. Contact Carabin Shaw today for a free case review. Our team helps accident victims pursue the compensation they deserve and our reviews attest to our ability to maximize damages for our clients. We offer our services on a contingency-fee basis, so you don’t owe any money unless you receive your settlement.

Now is the time to hold the responsible party liable for your injuries. Our Spanish- and English-speaking professionals are available around the clock at 800-862-1260.

For more information:

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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