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Temple Tx Work Injury Attorneys - Legal Options for Injured Workers

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

When you are injured at work, you might think that workers’ compensation insurance or health insurance will cover your damages. Unfortunately, workplace injuries are rarely that simple, which is why it is important to call a lawyer as soon as possible following a work accident, so you can receive fast compensation for your Temple, TX workplace injuries.

The Temple, Texas attorneys at Carabin Shaw are experienced in work injury cases regardless of whether they are workers compensation issues or civil litigation against a Temple, TX employer. We offer a free case review to give you an idea of what you can expect on your legal journey, and we offer our services on a contingency-fee basis, so you don’t have to worry about upfront legal fees.

Workers’ Compensation or Civil Litigation for Temple, TX Workplace Injuries

In Texas, private employers do not have to subscribe to workers’ compensation insurance coverage. However, non-subscribers are subject to civil claims from injured workers. The cost of subscribing to workers’ compensation is often justified by this mitigated risk of lawsuits, but some employers opt to not have coverage from a licensed, state-recognized workers’ compensation provider. In Texas, a person cannot sue a subscribed employer unless the worker died due to the company’s negligence.

If an employer does not have workers’ compensation or has an unlicensed insurance provider, the courts may hold them liable for your workplace injuries. This includes judgments for pain & suffering and punitive damages when warranted. Your Temple TX work injury lawyer will sort out the details of whether your claim can be handled by the Texas court system.

Monetary & Non-Monetary Damages in Texas Work Injury Cases

The damages allowed in Texas work injury cases are similar to those offered in other civil court cases, and they may include:

  • Lost wages
  • Lost benefits (sick days or vacation)
  • Medical treatment fees (past and future)
  • Disability
  • Pain and suffering
  • Retraining if necessary
  • Punitive damages
  • Loss of relationship (loss of consortium)
  • Wrongful death (i.e. funeral expenses)

The damages incurred by an injured party are monetary and non-monetary, which is what makes compensation complicated. An experienced Temple TX workplace accident attorney will make sure that all your damages are accounted for and included in your lawsuit. During your healing process, it can be difficult to account for your losses and predict your future struggles related to your work injury. An experienced lawyer will help you to accurately communicate your losses to the court.

Why Hire a Lawyer for Workers’ Compensation Cases in Texas

If your employer does have state-recognized workers’ compensation insurance, that does not negate your need for legal representation. It is in the best financial interest of your employer and the insurance company to limit the amount of money you get for your injuries. Having a lawyer who represents you levels the playing field, so they aren’t the only side with legal support.

There are many situations that can limit or negate compensation in a workers’ compensation case. These include employees engaging in horseplay, pre-existing injuries, and workers getting injured while engaged in non-work activities. Independent contractors may or may not have workers’ compensation coverage. Hiring an attorney is the best way to sort out these issues, so you can get the compensation you deserve, even if you have to file a dispute.

The Best Work Injury Attorneys in Temple, TX at Carabin Shaw - Call Today to Schedule Your No-Obligation, Free Consultation

If you are searching on the internet for ‘work injury lawyer near me’ and want the best legal representation available, consider our team at Carabin Shaw. Check out our client reviews and find out how much we listen and work hard to get you through your legal process with maximized compensation at the end of your journey. We want you to successfully move past your accident, and financial compensation can help.

To find out more, call our toll-free number at 800-862-1260. We have English- AND Spanish-speaking staff ready 24/7 to take your call.

For more information:

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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