Temple Tx Work Accident Attorneys for Victims of Serious Injury
CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260
Temple TX is home to various expansive professional industries, all of which provide necessary jobs to local residents. However, a devastating work injury can be enough to completely destabilize a victim’s livelihood and well being. If you have been the victim of a serious work injury in central Texas and believe that negligence on behalf of another individual or company may have been the cause, then the Temple TX work injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw are ready to advocate on your behalf.
So, how do you win the compensation and justice that you are owed? You deserve access to the financial compensation necessary to fully recover from your injuries, and our professional attorneys will do everything in their power to ensure that happens.
Temple, Texas and Workers’ CompensationIn most cases, for workers whose employers register for workers’ compensation, opting for a personal injury lawsuit is not an option. Workers’ compensation guarantees a level of supplementary income and settlement for the trade that employers cannot be held liable for an employee’s injury.
However, unique to Texas, not all employers are legally required to sign up for workers’ compensation, according to the Texas Department of Insurance. If your employer does not have workers’ compensation, then a Temple work accident lawyer at Carabin Shaw will be able to work with you to file a work injury claim, in much the same way as any other personal injury claim. This includes proving that:
- Your employer owed you a duty of care
- Your employer violated that duty of care
- The violation caused your injuries
- The damages you sustained were directly caused by the accident
Importantly, workers’ compensation does not protect employers from every level of injury that a worker suffers, as described by the Texas Department of Insurance. If the following circumstances apply to your accident, a Temple Texas work injury lawyer can help you build a case even if you have workers’ compensation.
- Gross negligence from your employer led to your injury
- Your employer intentionally harmed or assaulted you
- A poorly maintained appliance or machine caused your damages while working
In situations like these, scheduling a free case review with a Carabin Shaw lawyer lets you fully understand the legal options available to you as a Temple Texas worker.
The type of injury you sustained heavily influences the “how” of pursuing compensation. With that being the case, it is important to keep in mind how your injury occurred, and in what field.
Common Industries and Injuries in TempleTemple is a hub for various industries, but it is especially primed for the retail, manufacturing, and corporate technology industries. Each of these workspaces have their own unique expectations and safety measures, as well as their own common accident occurrences. A work accident attorney in Temple TX can help you to seek compensation for injuries in:
Retail industries are some of the most common storefronts in Temple, and its workers provide vital and necessary services for the larger community. Common injuries in these spaces can include slips and falls, injuries from overexertion, and damages caused by falling objects.
Regardless of your injury, you may be entitled to seek compensation outside of workers’ compensation. Our team will help you determine which options are available to you.
Injuries sustained by manufacturing workers are often devastating, due to the type of work being done. As such, these employees may, more often, have the option of filing a personal injury claim outside of workers’ compensation.
These injuries often include burns, chemical exposure, electrification, and bludgeoning damages from faulty machinery.
To determine if you are able to file a personal injury claim after a serious work accident in Temple, schedule a free case review with our expert attorneys.
Protect Your Rights, Seek Legal Counsel, and Call Carabin Shaw Today To Schedule Your Free Case Review!As an employee, you are entitled to the resources you need to recover after an injury caused at work. Because our trusted attorneys offer our services on a contingency-fee basis, we fight hard for those resources on your behalf. With three decades of experience, there is no firm more qualified to fight for your. Visit our client reviews for further examples of Carabin Shaw’s past successes.
To schedule your free case review, call our English and Spanish-speaking staff, available 24/7 and toll-free, at 800-862-1260.
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