Suffering After a Severe Workplace Burn in Frisco
CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260
The workers of Frisco have received thermal burns, chemical burns, electrical burns, and more in recent years. Many of the victims of these burn accidents are still experiencing terrible suffering to this day.
If you or a loved one were a victim of a recent Frisco burn injury, we want you to know that legal assistance may be available to help with your suffering. When you contact burn injury lawyers in Frisco, they can discuss your case with you and determine how they may be able to help.
After an accident, burn victims are often still dealing with great physical, emotional, financial, and relationship stress. Because of this, burn victims often do not reach out for help because they are unsure of the legal process or how Frisco work injury attorneys can be of benefit to them. To help get you started on your path to justice, our experts at Carabin Shaw have included information you need when you are suffering after a severe workplace burn in Frisco.
Eligibility for Filing a Workplace Burn Injury ClaimIf you have been injured in a workplace burn accident, one of the first questions you have is whether you are eligible to file a workplace burn accident claim. The laws surrounding workplace injuries vary from state to state, and workers understandably are unsure of the specifics.
To help clarify, the circumstances in which you may qualify to file a workplace burn claim include:
- When your injury was caused by the direct negligence of your employer, but they did not offer you Workers’ Compensation
- When your injury was caused by the direct negligence of a third party other than your employer, and you still have Workers’ Compensation available
- When your injury was caused by the direct negligence of an equipment manufacturer
- When you received a serious or catastrophic burn
If you meet any of these criteria, you should contact burn injury lawyers in Frisco as you may have grounds to recover damages for your suffering.
Additionally, you may be wondering which professions may qualify for filing a claim. The answer to this is straightforward: all industries should provide a safe work environment for their employees, and if they fail to do so, they may be held liable.
Some of the largest employers in Frisco could be held liable by a personal injury lawyer, including:
- Frisco Independent School District
- T-Mobile
- Amerisource
- Baylor Medical Center
- Oracle
- Etc.
No company is above the law. If you were injured while working at any of these jobs, or any other job not listed, Frisco work injury attorneys may be able to help.
Compensation for Your SufferingEnduring a burn injury is a terrible event that can have long-lasting and even permanent effects on a victim’s life. The suffering can be physical pain, emotional pain, financial debt, relationship issues, and more. For this reason, a burn injury victim may be eligible for many different types of compensation.
Some of the damages a personal injury attorney could potentially recover include:
For Physical Suffering
- Medical Costs
- Physical Disability
- Lost Wages
For Emotional Suffering
- Pain and Suffering
- Physical Disfigurement
- Loss of Consortium
These are only some of the options that may be available. To fully explore the options you may have for compensation, contact a personal injury lawyer in Texas today.
Contact the Texas Burn Injury Attorneys at Carabin ShawIf you want the best chance to receive compensation for your suffering, there is only one law firm to rely on: Carabin Shaw. We have been fighting for the compensation of burn victims for years. The Texas burn injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw are committed to making sure the responsible party compensates you for your suffering.
Free Case ReviewContact us today and receive a free initial consultation. Call us toll-free at 800-862-1260 or fill out our online form.