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Severe Burn Injuries After an Auto Accident in Garland

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

If you have suffered burn injuries as the result of a car accident in Garland, Texas, you are probably facing a host of unforeseen financial stressors. An accident can leave you with hospital and mechanic bills, and you may be unable to earn wages during your recovery.

Those costs could be covered through a personal injury claim; however, the legal system might seem intimidating and overwhelming. What legal resources are available for Garland burn victims?

Top Texas burn injury lawyers at Carabin Shaw are here to help. Our team of personal injury attorneys has won claims for several clients in positions like yours. Fill out our contact form and call us at 800-862-1260 for a free, no-obligation consultation by phone.

How Common are Car Accidents and Burn Injuries in Garland, Texas?

Vehicle fires account for nearly 1/3 of all reported burning deaths in Texas. In 2019 alone, Dallas County saw over 55,000 car accidents, resulting in over 19,000 possible injuries.

While it’s unclear how many of these crashes involved burn injuries, FEMA reports that, from 2014-2016, over 170,000 vehicle fires occurred in the United States. These fires can be the result of mechanical issues such as faulty wiring, or from fuel leakage after an accident.

Burns sustained in an accident often result in debilitating injury. Data collected between 1993 and 2001 shows:

  • Over 700 annual moderate to severe burn injuries are the result of car crashes.
  • In the majority of these cases, the victim suffered burns on over 90% of their body.

Burn injury attorneys in Garland can help you pursue compensation for these injuries, which can impact your short- and long-term mobility and lead to chronic pain.

What Are the Types of Burns?

There are four different degrees of burn.

  1. First-degree burns affect only the outer layer of skin and typically heal on their own.
  2. Second-degree burns extend through several layers of skin, will likely demand a hospital stay, and may require skin grafts.
  3. Third-degree burns extend through every layer of skin. They require extensive medical treatment, sometimes lasting for months; are unlikely to heal completely; and may even necessitate amputation.
  4. Fourth-degree burns go beyond the skin, affecting the muscle and bone. These injuries will require extensive care, most likely involving amputation, and will never heal completely.

If you have suffered a burn injury in an auto accident in Texas, seek medical attention right away. This is especially important if the wound is painless, as this can be a sign of a third-degree burn. Then, look into burn injury attorneys in Garland to help you pursue a personal injury claim and cover the cost of treatment.

What Damages Can I Receive for Burn Injuries?

The two most common types of damage to claim for injuries incurred in an auto accident are economic and noneconomic. Most lawyers will advise clients who have experienced severe burn injuries after an auto accident in Garland to pursue both of these.

Economic damages cover the claimant’s financial losses relating to their injuries. This includes hospital bills for burn treatment, vehicle repair, and wages that the injured party missed out on while recovering. As medical treatment for burns can be lengthy and expensive, it is vital for Garland burn victims to pursue economic damages.

After your bills are paid, you may still find yourself with chronic pain, disfigurement, and a lack of mobility, all of which impact your life beyond your finances. This is what noneconomic damages are meant to address: the ways in which an injury causes you day-to-day pain and suffering. Dallas County limits possible noneconomic damages to $750,000.

Free Case Review | Trusted Texas Attorneys at Carabin Shaw

If you have been burned in a vehicle accident and are considering legal action, don’t hesitate to contact any of the top Texas burn injury lawyers at Carabin Shaw today. Fill out our convenient contact form and call toll-free at 800-862-1260 to get started.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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