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Serious Work Injury in Spring, TX? Building a Strong Case for Maximum Recovery

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

The Houston suburb of Spring, Texas, is a mecca for manufacturing, transportation, and oil. While large companies contribute to a healthy economy, potentially hazardous conditions also characterize these industries for workers. If you or someone you love has recently been hurt on the job, contact the East Texas work accident attorneys at Carabin Shaw. Our team works to get our clients compensation for injuries, lost wages, and other losses after a workplace accident.

Texas workman’s compensation laws are confusing and subject to change. Unlike other states, Texas does not require private employers to carry workers’ comp insurance. However, companies that don’t carry a policy are still liable for employees’ injuries if they were caused by the employer’s negligence. It is critical to have an experienced Spring TX work injury lawyer on your side to protect your rights and pursue the compensation you are entitled to under the law.

Victims of workplace accidents have a limited time to file a benefits claim. Don’t wait to contact an attorney to help you navigate the complicated world of workman’s comp in Texas. Carabin Shaw offers free case reviews and we are available 24/7 at 800-862-1260. Both English- and Spanish speaking representatives are ready to help you.

Workers’ Comp in Texas: What You Need to Know

Workman’s compensation insurance covers lost income and medical bills after a workplace injury. If the worker dies of those injuries, the insurance policy also provides death benefits for survivors. The Texas Department of Insurance, Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) regulates workers’ comp in the state.

Texas sees many work-related injuries, with 178,800 reported by private companies in 2022. Most accidents occurred in transportation and warehousing, two common Texas industries. Other hazardous industries were:

  • Entertainment and recreation
  • Retail
  • Health care and social assistance
  • Agriculture, fishing, and hunting

Employees seeking benefits through the state’s workman’s compensation program must see healthcare providers within the plan’s network, which means you may not be able to see your own doctor. Seeing an unfamiliar provider can add stress after a traumatic accident. Workers’ comp does allow for a change of provider under some circumstances. Your work accident attorney in Spring TX can guide you in getting the medical care you need without sacrificing benefits.

Private companies can opt out of a workman’s compensation insurance policy. Called non-subscribers, these companies are subject to specific requirements under state law, including:

  • Notifying current employees and new-hires of their lack of coverage
  • Reporting lack of coverage to DWC by filing DWC Form-005
  • Notifying employees and DWC if the company purchases workers’ comp insurance
  • Reporting all work-related illnesses, injuries, and fatalities to DWC promptly
Texas No-Fault Guidelines and Exceptions

Texas operates under no-fault guidelines, so employees are eligible for compensation for workplace injuries regardless of cause. The employee does not have to prove negligence to qualify for benefits. Coverage is not awarded when:

  • Employee willfully injures himself or someone else
  • Employee is intoxicated while on the job
  • Employee voluntarily participates in off-duty recreational activity
  • Act of God occurs, such as a natural disaster
  • Employee files claim after established deadline

Your lawyer can help you determine your workman’s comp eligibility and ensure you receive all the compensation you legally deserve.

What Third-Party Claims Are and Why They Matter

A third party is an individual or company that contributes to an accident when you are injured at work. For example, a device manufacturer that produces a defective ladder may also be liable for your injuries if the defect contributed to your fall. You can file a third-party claim against the manufacturer to seek additional damages for your losses. A serious work injury attorney in Spring, Texas knows how to identify third parties in your case and pursue additional damages when appropriate.

Severe Injuries Deserve Significant Compensation in Texas | Call Carabin Shaw Today To Protect Your Rights!

When you are injured, you need a legal team to fight for you so you can focus on healing and getting back to work. We offer our services on a contingency-fee basis, so we don’t get paid unless you win your case. Reviews from our previous clients attest to our commitment to standing up for work accident victims. Contact Carabin Shaw today at 800-862-1260.

For more information:

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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