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Rockport Commercial Trucker Driver Fatigue


When an auto accident is caused by the negligence of a commercial vehicle driver or a commercial vehicle company, they should be held responsible for your injuries. If you or a loved one is involved in any Rockport commercial vehicle accidents, you need to contact one of Carabin Shaw’s Rockport commercial vehicle accident lawyers. You or your family member can be faced with expensive medical bills or even funeral expenses as a result of your accident. The attorneys at Carabin Shaw in Rockport can help you receive the compensation you deserve from your accident.

There are millions of commercial vehicles on our roads. Often times these commercial vehicles drive great distances without very many stops. Even though commercial vehicles have mandatory weigh-in stations, some do not stop, which is illegal. Commercial truck drivers also have to stop driving once they reach their 14-hour limit. They must take 10-hour breaks between each drive. Unfortunately, many drivers do not take these breaks putting all other motorists lives in danger. These drivers become tired and careless, causing major accidents that you could be involved in. Commercial vehicles can weigh over 80,000 pounds when fully loaded, creating an extremely dangerous situation when they cause an accident involving smaller passenger vehicles. Drivers of passengers cars, pickup trucks, motorcycles, and other vehicles involved in large truck accidents often suffer catastrophic injuries. These accidents can cause spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, and in some cases death.

If you have recently been involved in a Rockport commercial vehicle accident, you can expect to be held to provide the detailed proof of your injuries and losses, no matter how extensive they may be. The insurance policies that cover a commercial vehicle owner or operator's liability have such high limits that the disputed issues in a truck accident case often involve issues of negligence and damages that must be proven. Here at Carabin Shaw’s Rockport location, our attorneys have the ability to determine the causes of a truck accident, the liability of one or several defendants for federal safety violations, and the amount necessary to cover your current and future medical bills. Don’t make the mistake of dealing with the insurance companies on your own. Contact the attorneys at Carabin Shaw’s Rockport location today.

At Carabin Shaw, we have lawyers with over 22 years of experience in dealing with Rockport commercial vehicle accidents and we know how to deal with the insurance companies. At Carabin Shaw, we fight for your right to receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries obtained in an accident with a commercial vehicle. Accidents like this happen every day and it is best to be prepared with a lawyer who understands the complexities of these types of accidents. Insurance companies do not want to give you the full amount of money you deserve. We know this and can negotiate with the insurance companies to make sure you are able to pay your hospital bills and provide for your family while you may be out of work for the injuries you have acquired from your accident.

At Carabin Shaw, we can provide you with more information about Rockport 18 wheeler accidents so that you may understand what settlement you are entitled to. Call an attorney at Carabin Shaw today for a free consultation. We are able to communicate with Spanish speakers and treat your case with the utmost care. Se habla Español. If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident caused by a commercial vehicle in Rockport contact us today via email, or by phone at 361.790.7788. We accept calls day and night.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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