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Refugio Hurricane Claims

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

First, the team of hurricane insurance claim lawyers in Refugio, at the law firm of Carabin Shaw, want you to know how sorry we are for the devastation you have experienced as a result of the Hurricane Harvey flooding in Refugio; we’re also glad you’re here, because it means you’ve survived the worst natural disaster to hit our country in a century, and for that we applaud your resiliency. We know that the road ahead will be long and recovery will not happen overnight.

You may be wondering what to do next; many in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey are left unsure of what to do, how to even begin to prepare for recovery, or how to file claims against the losses they have suffered. Perhaps you have already begun a claim only to be met with resistance from your adjuster; or perhaps the adjuster is offering a settlement package that is far below the cost of replacing what has been lost and destroyed.

The next steps for hurricane Harvey victims in Refugio is to meet with a Carabin Shaw Refugio hurricane insurance claims lawyer to discuss your options in securing settlement for damages to your home and belongings. You may have already contacted your insurance company only to be told the devastation you are facing is not covered by your policy; they may claim that damages fall under “flood” damage.

It may very well be in your best interest to have a Carabin Shaw attorney review a copy of your policy to identify the exact wording used, and whether it applies to the destruction you have suffered. It’s possible you may not have access to a hard copy of your policy; your insurance agency should always have a copy though, and they must supply this to you as soon as possible. Call your adjuster and have them email the document to you, then forward the email or bring it with you to your initial free consultation with one of our attorneys.

We strongly recommend you do not discuss your intentions with your insurance agent or the adjuster, simply ask for a copy of your policy. Keep in mind that their first priority is to minimize their loss. At Carabin Shaw, our first priority is you; our hurricane insurance claims lawyer serving Refugio is solely concerned with fighting on your behalf. We know that there will be insurance companies who deny Refugio Hurricane Harvey insurance claims, and we are already prepared to advocate for a settlement that is fair.

Remember, the damage to your home and the loss of your belongings may be a direct result of high winds, driving rainfall, falling objects, trees, or debris, not the end result of a flood, so to blame all the damage on the flooding would open a loophole that insurance companies may try to use to minimize the expenses they face, especially as they pay out billions of dollars for the various types of Hurricane Harvey damages in Refugio.

The following are a few recommendations to help you identify where to start preparing for your claim. Given the magnitude of Harvey, there may be nothing left to identify and perhaps even no home to go back to. If this is the case, your insurance may also cover a portion of the cost of a hotel; again, having one of our attorneys review your policy first, can help protect you from incurring expenses that may not be covered or reimbursable.

Hurricane insurance claims lawyer in Refugio recommend that if it’s safe to return to your home, that you take a notebook and begin to write down, room by room, a description of the damage and loss.

  • Start with the outside structural damage and work your way in, focusing on one room at a time. Recall how the room looked prior to hurricane Harvey, then begin to list what is damaged, what’s destroyed, what’s missing.
  • Do this before trying to clean up or throw out damaged items.
  • Walk through the home and take photos of everything.
  • If storage facilities are available, rent one and secure what is salvageable and valuable to you there. While this should be a covered expense on your policy, it’s also a very good reason to contact a Carabin Shaw attorney first to help determine if it is a reimbursable expense.

There will be necessary repairs that can’t wait, and there will be those which can. If you initiate any repairs, make sure to keep every related receipt. Keep in mind there will be folks offering to do the work for a fee. Do not pay for any work until the work has been completed to your satisfaction; better yet, try to wait until your insurance adjuster has given the go ahead. In addition, many of these repair contractors will take advantage of victims, so be extra critical of any offer that looks too good to be true. Remember, your insurance may only pay for certified contractors.

Overwhelmed just reading this? If you haven’t even contacted your insurance company yet, you may want help understanding how to file for Hurricane Harvey damages in Refugio. Refugio hurricane insurance claims lawyers with Carabin Shaw are standing by twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, ready to ensure you obtain a fair and equitable settlement on the personal damages you and your loved ones have suffered as a result of Hurricane Harvey. You have spent years responsibly paying your premiums on time; it’s only right you collect on Refugio wind damage insurance claims. Let our team of lawyers fight for you by calling our toll free number today at 800-862-1260.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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