Rear Ended in Corpus Christi?
Are you in Corpus Christi? Were you injured in a rear end Auto accident?
Give Carabin Shaw a call. We can help. Call us at 361-444-1111, local if you’re in Corpus Christi.
Here's What You Really Need to Know About Proving Fault in a Rear-End Accident in TexasRear-end collisions are among the most common types of injury causing automobile wrecks in Corpus Christi. Here you will learn about who is generally at fault in a rear-end accident, the usual exceptions to these rules and what you can do next.
Who is At-Fault if you get Rear Ended in Corpus Christi?All drivers have something called a legal duty of care. This means that drivers have to obey the law, avoid reckless driving and keep their vehicle working properly.
When drivers fail to do this and their failure causes an accident, they are generally the one found at-fault. In rear-end vehicle collisions, the at-fault driver may have been speeding, daydreaming, texting, playing with a radio or other electronic device, whatever. Each of these actions are all negligent.
When someone else’s driving mistake causes an accident, the law In Texas allows you to go after them for compensation for your battered car, lost wages, medical bill, injuries and more. However, you can’t really just point your fingers and actually expect the other driver (and their insurance policy carrier) to just come up with the money you are rightfully asking for. As a first thing, you’ll actually need to prove their negligence. You must offer good proof that the other driver did something reckless or negligent which caused your accident and your specific injuries.
Let us be very clear here. If you have gotten hurt in a rear-end type of accident, you really deserve fair compensation for your property damage and injuries. Don't let the details of the courts and the hard work involved put you off - you've really suffered because of someone else’s actions. It's their responsibility them to make you whole again.
Are Drivers Who Rear-End Another Car Always Legally At-Fault in Texas?There's an all too common general belief that if you rear-end another vehicle in Texas, you're at legally at fault for the crash and the damages. However, all jurors don't have this basic belief. A jury may well find that the leading vehicle was legally at fault. They may apportion fault between the different drivers. They could even reach a finding that the accident wasn't either driver’s fault.
Some people are actually surprised when they learn that multiple drivers - including the driver who was rear ended in Corpus Christi - can be held legally negligent in an accident. However, this isn't uncommon. Your recovery, and the actual amount, will depend on the finder of facts determination of how much you might have contributed to your damages by being responsible for your accident.
If a jury decides you're "more" responsible for what caused your rear ended crash (at least 51% of any fault is assigned to you), you can't actually recover anything from any other driver.
Our experienced legal team is ready to work with and for you to minimize any finding of fault on your part. That is the key element in maximizing your chances of recovery.
Are you in Corpus Christi? Were you injured in a rear end Auto accident?
Give Carabin Shaw a call. We can help. Call us at 361-444-1111, local if you’re in Corpus Christi.