Pursuing a Burn Injury Lawsuit in Colorado Springs
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If you or a loved one has been injured in a Colorado Springs burn accident, you may be eligible to receive compensation for your injuries. If you were burned due to another person or entity's negligence (such as a corporation or government), you may also be entitled to financial compensation. However, pursuing a burn injury lawsuit in Colorado Springs will require the help of the top Colorado lawyers at Carabin Shaw.
Compensation for Burn VictimsOften, compensation for Colorado Springs burn victims depends on the severity and location of your injuries. Burns are divided into categories based on severity and the depth of tissue affected by the burn.
First-Degree BurnsFirst-degree burns are the least severe of the different types of burn injuries. Redness, swelling, and discomfort accompany first-degree burns. Often, first-degree burns heal quickly and don't result in long term effects. It's very unlikely that a person could recover compensation for first-degree burns due to their superficiality.
Second-Degree BurnsSecond-degree burns typically extend beyond the epidermis. Common symptoms of second-degree burns include pain, redness, swelling, and blistering. Second-degree burns last longer than superficial first-degree burns, but depending on the location and surface area of the body affected, recovery may be difficult.
If a person receives second-degree burns over a majority of their body or at certain joints, such as the knees or elbows, may have difficulty recovering and a loss of income. Burn injury attorneys serving Colorado Springs can help establish damages and liability in these cases.
Third-Degree BurnsThird-degree burns are severe burn injuries that often have permanent effects, such as nerve damage or permanent scarring. If you or a loved one has suffered third-degree burns due to the negligence of another person or entity in Colorado Springs, contact the top Colorado lawyers at Carabin Shaw for help pursuing compensation.
Fourth-Degree BurnsA fourth-degree burn extends beyond a person's skin. Often, these burns are fatal or destroy the muscle and bone beneath the skin. Fourth-degree burns require immediate and specialized medical care.
Both third- and fourth-degree burns can result in infection and may require multiple surgeries. Those costs add up over time and can extend years into the future.
Colorado Statute of LimitationsWhile recovering from a burn injury can take years of recovery, you only have a certain amount of time to file a personal injury lawsuit in the state of Colorado. Colorado Springs burn victims have two years from the date of their accident to file a claim for their injuries.
There are a few exceptions to this rule, but if you file a claim past that deadline, the court may dismiss the case permanently. Burn injury attorneys serving Colorado Springs can keep track of important deadlines.
How Much is My Burn Injury Worth?Many factors affect how much compensation you may qualify for as a burn victim. Your attorney can help navigate and establish these factors, such as loss of income, medical costs, inability to work, emotional pain and suffering, and permanent disfigurement. Often, your compensation is affected by the location and severity of your injury. For example, a third-degree burn on someone's face would be worth more than a third-degree burn on someone's back or leg.
Colorado also has a rule called "modified comparative negligence." This rule states that if a person is found to be more than 50% responsible for their own injuries, that they are ineligible to receive compensation from any other negligent parties. By hiring a lawyer, you can ensure that the proper parties are assigned fault and that you stay eligible for relief for your injuries.
Experienced Attorneys at Carabin Shaw | Free Case EvaluationsIf you need an attorney to help you with your personal injury claim, Carabin Shaw's team of lawyers have decades of combined experience in personal injury law. Contact Carabin Shaw 24/7 at our toll-free number: 800-862-1260 to schedule your free case review.