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Protecting Bastrop Tx Workers If Injured on the Job

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

Some professions can carry a high level of risk for employers, while others are typically safe. In truth, no matter where or what you do for a living, workplace accidents in Bastrop can occur anytime due to a plethora of unfortunate circumstances.

Although Texas legislators have done a great job improving workplace safety standards and providing legal protection for workers, the truth is that accidents still happen, as proven by statistics across the country. In fact, as of November 2020, 2.8 out of every 100 workers experienced a workplace injury, according to the Employer-Related Workplace Injuries and Illnesses News Release from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Since 2018, this number has not changed.

In Texas, workers' compensation laws are designed to protect workers who get injured while on the job. These laws also provide benefits to the families of workers killed in work-related accidents. If you have been injured by an unsafe work environment or defective equipment at your place of employment, you may be entitled to receive compensation under these laws.

The Texas attorneys at Carabin Shaw have extensive experience assisting injured workers in Bastrop with obtaining the compensation they deserve. To find out more about your rights and how we can help with your claim, contact us toll-free at 800-862-1260 to book a free consultation with a highly skilled work-injury lawyer.

We are a team of attorneys who specialize in workers' compensation claims. We know how to navigate these complicated systems and are known for protecting Bastrop Tx workers if injured on the job.

Most Workers Don't Know the First Step in Filing a Claim

In most cases, workers' compensation claims must be filed within 30 days of an injury or death. This claim can be filed either online or by phone with the Texas Division of Workers' Compensation (DWC). Alternatively, if you do not wish to file the claim yourself, you may also choose to hire an attorney to represent you instead.

If your employer has insurance through DWC but does not provide worker's compensation benefits for certain injuries resulting from your employment that are covered under their policy, then those expenses will be covered out of pocket by your employer.

Unless your employer has other resources like medical insurance or private health care plans available, for which, in some cases, you may be required to pay a portion out-of-pocket, you will likely be responsible for paying all costs associated with treating those injuries if they don't have this type of coverage, which still seems unfair, especially if your injury resulted from negligence on behalf of your employer.

In cases where you were hurt due to improper care provided by an employer, it is best to seek guidance from a firm of work injury lawyers in Bastrop Texas, who can protect your rights and fight to get you compensation for your injuries.

Get Protection from the Experts Who Specialize in Workers' Compensation Claims

When an employee is injured at work, there are many steps they must take before they can receive any benefits from their employer's worker's compensation insurance company—and even more steps after they end up going through that process as well.

This can be incredibly frustrating when all someone wants is some peace of mind from knowing that everything is taken care of professionally by Bastrop workers’ compensation attorneys.

Workplace injury victims come to Carabin Shaw expecting the best legal representation possible, and we satisfy their expectations. Call a member of our legal team. They are accessible around the clock and can discuss your case in either English or Spanish. Visit the Carabin Shaw client reviews page to read about the people we've already helped.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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