Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements
A discussion of these documents and agreements is never easy to have. The San Antonio prenuptial and postnuptial attorneys can guide you in how to undertake these discussions and assist you in creating documents that stand up in Court to protect your interests. These documents are necessary to protect financial interests among future or current spouses.
Highlights of Prenuptial and Postnuptial agreements:
- Governed by the Texas Family Code Section 4.102.
- May be necessary to protect business assets.
- May be necessary when one Party has a high debt amount being brought into the marriage.
- Recommended for persons remarrying a second or subsequent time.
- Can provide certainty in time of unexpected divorce filing by one spouse.
- Protect assets and interests.
- Require full disclosure to the other Party.
- May be needed when one spouses income is considerably higher than the others.
- Can decide how property is classified in a marriage or divorce proceeding without cost of litigation.