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Oilfield Injury Caused By Equipment Default and Malfunction

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

Working in a Hobbs, New Mexico oilfield requires a great deal of specialized equipment knowledge, as oilfield workers use a wide variety of tools and equipment. Unfortunately, at times, this equipment can malfunction, and an accident can occur.

If you or a loved one have experienced an oilfield injury caused by equipment default and malfunction, please allow us to express our condolences. We know a workplace injury can have many long-term effects on a person’s or family’s finances, relationships, and mental health. We encourage you to contact an oilfield accident lawyer in Hobbs, New Mexico to determine if you are eligible to recover damages for your financial harm and mental suffering.

Hobbsattorney James Shaw has represented workers injured by equipment default and malfunction for years. He has the knowledge, experience, and resources to provide you with the best possible representation. In his career he has gone up against some of the largest insurance companies in the nation, and he has won. He has recovered the damages his clients needed to get their life back to normal, so contact him today for a free consultation and find out if he can do the same for you.

Types of Equipment That can Cause Injury

Often people have questions or are unsure if their workplace injury due to equipment default and malfunction is something to contact a Hobbs oilfield injury lawyer about. As stated before, oilfield workers use many different types of equipment throughout the day. The question of which equipment, when malfunctioning and causing an injury, can be held legally liable by an attorney has a simple answer: any equipment a worker uses.

Whether the equipment is a hand-held tool, personal protective equipment, a commercial vehicle, or large construction machinery, it all should function correctly and safely. When the equipment does not function as promised, and causes an injury to the worker, an oilfield accident lawyer in Hobbs, New Mexico can help you hold the responsible party accountable.

Common Equipment Malfunction Injuries

Just as the types of malfunctioning equipment can vary, so too do the types of injuries that occur. Some of the common oilfield injuries caused by equipment default and malfunction include:

  • Severe lacerations
  • Amputations
  • Bone fractures
  • Head trauma
  • Burns
  • Chemical burns (outside and inside the body)

Again, these are only a sampling of the possible injuries that can occur when equipment malfunctions. If your specific injury is not listed, it may still qualify. Consult with a Hobbs oilfield injury lawyer to find out more.

Who can be Held Liable for the Equipment Default and Malfunction?

All of the equipment found on an oilfield work site is made and sold with the promise of safe and proper functioning, so when the equipment does not uphold that commitment, parties can and should be held accountable by a lawyer.

The equipment manufacturers can be found liable if it can be proven that their product malfunctioned and was the direct cause of an accident. Additionally, it is the responsibility of the employer to make sure all of their equipment is well-maintained and kept up to date. If they fail to do so and an injurious accident happens, they can be found to have acted with negligence.

Contact an Injury Lawyer Today

Although a prospective client has several personal injury lawyer options in Hobbs, there is only one option for the best representation: New Mexico attorney James Shaw. Mr. Shaw has been the managing partner of the nationally recognized law firm Carabin Shaw for thirty years. All of his accumulated experience and resources could be at your disposal.

Contact his office toll-free at 1-800-555-0101 to schedule your free case evaluation.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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