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Oilfield Accident Settlements | Who Can Be Held Accountable?

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With the recent boom in oil drilling, jobs in oilfields have only gotten more intense and dangerous. Companies expect workers to keep up a fast pace and unfortunately, sometimes accidents happen. If you work in an oilfield in Alamogordo, New Mexico and were injured on the job, you might be wondering about possible oilfield accident settlements. Read on to learn more about how a New Mexico work injury attorney at Carabin Shaw can help you and your loved ones navigate the red tape after you’ve been hurt working in an oilfield.

Workers’ Compensation in New Mexico

In New Mexico, a company is required to carry workers’ compensation insurance if they employ three or more people. If you’ve been in a New Mexico oilfield accident, chances are you’ll be required to file a claim with your company’s workers’ compensation insurance. Workers’ compensation law has provisions for both workers and employers to handle on-the-job injuries. For example, if you are required to file a claim, you must file within fifteen days of your injury. Any claim you file will require your employer’s signature acknowledging your injury. If your employer fails or refuses to sign your claim, you should contact a lawyer as soon as possible. An attorney can help you make sure you’re following the appropriate steps for filing a workers’ compensation claim and that your employer is following the law.

If you are required to file a workers’ compensation claim for an Alamogordo oilfield injury, it’s possible that your medical care and other compensation for your injury will be handled solely through your company’s workers’ compensation insurance. But oilfield accidents are complex, and your injuries may deserve more compensation than workers’ compensation allows. Every case is different, and if you suspect that your injury may fall outside the parameters of a standard workers’ compensation claim, you should contact a New Mexico work injury attorney to assess your case. An attorney will be able to tell you if a third party or someone besides your employer might be responsible for your injury, and if this is the case, you may be entitled to compensation from that third party.

Oilfield Injuries

You may be wondering what types of injuries you might sustain in a New Mexico oilfield accident that may cause you to need medical treatment or to file a lawsuit. The list is as varied as the kinds of jobs available in an oilfield and includes:

  • Pulmonary or respiratory illnesses caused by exposure to toxic materials
  • Contusions or lacerations
  • Chemical or electrical burns
  • Bone fractures
  • Traumatic brain injury

Any Alamogordo oilfield injury can result in missed work or diminished capacity to work in the future. Even if you think your injury will be covered by your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance, it is still a good idea to consult with a lawyer, who can explain oilfield accident settlements and how your injury might involve third parties or entitle you to more compensation than you might think. Our experienced attorneys can assess your case and ensure that you receive all the compensation you and your loved ones are entitled to as a result of your injury.

If you work in an oilfield near Alamogordo, New Mexico, and you’re injured on the job, you might be entitled to compensation for medical treatment and lost wages. Even if you think your case is straightforward and will be handled by your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance, you should contact a New Mexico work injury attorney to assess your case. One of the expert attorneys at Carabin Shaw can help you determine whether you’re being offered all you’re entitled to. Give them a call today at 915-779-2301 and let them protect you and your loved ones.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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