New Mexico Trucking Accident Statistics
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One of the greatest hazards on the road these days is 18 wheelers. Whether you’re driving on Hwy 70, Hwy 54, or Hwy 82, you’re bound to be on the road with big rigs in Alamogordo, New Mexico, and an accident with an 18 wheeler can be devastating. Although 18 wheelers account for less accidents in New Mexico than crashes between passenger vehicles, a collision with an 18 wheeler is four times more likely to be fatal than one not involving a semi truck.
If you or a loved one was injured or killed in an accident with an 18 wheeler, an 18 wheeler accident lawyer in Alamogordo can assist you. Our staff at Carabin Shaw is a team of dedicated lawyers whose first mission is to serve clients as best we can. Each Alamogordo injury attorney at our firm knows cases are won by listening—listening to you to understand your unique circumstances. We know the dangers of 18 wheelers based on New Mexico trucking accident statistics, and we also know how to beat them and their insurers when it comes to getting you compensation.
The Facts About 18 Wheeler Accidents in New MexicoIt seems obvious that a crash with an 18 wheeler in Alamogordo, New Mexico would be more serious than a collision with a normal passenger vehicle, but when you look at the actual numbers, it is truly alarming. Every year in New Mexico, there are approximately 43,000 accidents on the road. Of these accidents, only 3% of them involve a big rig (about 1,400). For accidents between passenger vehicles, approximately 1 in every 130 accidents involves a fatality. When it comes to 18 wheelers, though, the difference is staggering: 1 out of 35 accidents involving an 18 wheeler truck ends in a fatality, meaning accidents involving 18 wheelers are 4 times more likely to cause death.
In the 2017 Traffic Crash Annual Report done by the University of New Mexico, they found that 18 wheeler crashes accounted for nearly 20% of all fatalities on the road. This statistic arose in conjunction with heavy truck crashes reaching their highest level in the past five years: 2,516 total. For further explanation of these New Mexico trucking accident statistics and how they may apply to your case, talk with an Alamogordo truck accident attorney.
What Damages Can I Pursue?In your case, one of the most important steps for your 18 wheeler accident lawyer in Alamogordo is to assess your damages and what they’re worth so you can win proper compensation in your settlement. Damages are broken up into two main categories, economic damages (damages that have a tangible monetary value) and non-economic damages (these are the “intangible” damages that can be thought of as negative changes to your life because of the accident). Below is a list of common types of damages your lawyer would pursue for you:
- Medical bills
- Pain and suffering
- Property damage
- Loss of consortium
- Present and future loss of earnings
- Disfigurement
- Funerary costs
- And more
To know what damages apply to your case, it’s best to consult an Alamogordo injury attorney.
How to Win a Trucking Accident CaseUnderstanding the statistics of trucking accidents is one thing, but knowing how to beat trucking companies and every attorney who represents them is another matter. You can do it alone, but the truth is, trucking companies will do whatever they can to pay you as little as possible. Without an experienced attorney on your side, you’ll most likely end up getting less than you deserve. At Carabin Shaw, we have immense experience dealing with trucking companies and their insurers. Every lawyer at our firm knows how to get the most for you and your family. If you need an Alamogordo truck accident attorney, you need us. Call us to speak with an 18 wheeler accident lawyer in Alamogordo at our firm today at 915-779-2301.