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Navigating a Lawsuit After an Allen TX Construction Accident

CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-862-1260

Construction zones pose hazards for all of those who come near: workers, other drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians alike. Whether you were in a rear-end collision with a cement truck, injured by a falling object while walking near the site, or in an accident due to debris, you may be the victim of negligence and eligible for compensation as a result. If you were recently injured in a construction accident in Northern Texas, you need the advice of the Allen TX personal injury lawyers at Carabin Shaw.

At Carabin Shaw, our professional staff has extensive experience handling personal injury claims in Texas, and across the Southern U.S., and fights hard on behalf of victims and their families. Call 800-862-1260 at any time of day or night to schedule your no-obligation, free case review. Se habla español.

Reasons You May Need to Sue After a Accident in an Allen TX Construction Zone

Filing an Allen Texas construction accident lawsuit is one of the few ways to get proper compensation in some cases. In an ideal world, the at-fault construction company and their insurance agency would pay injured victims the compensation they deserve after a severe accident, but this often doesn’t happen. These big companies are interested in protecting their profits and will attempt to convince victims to settle for less than they are owed.

If you find yourself checking the majority of boxes listed below, you likely qualify for a lawsuit.

  • You are suffering from severe injuries that have resulted in costly hospital visits and possibly long-term care
  • Liability, or who is at fault for the accident, is unclear or being disputed
  • The insurance company and/or construction company is trying to downplay your injuries and undervalue your claim
  • You have little knowledge of the judicial system but want to explore your legal options
Hiring a Road Construction Accident Lawyer in Allen for Your Case

While it is not required that you hire an Allen TX attorney to represent you in a lawsuit, it is highly advised. A legal professional has the skill and knowledge needed to navigate your case and secure the maximum compensation you are eligible for. Our trusted lawyers at Carabin Shaw understand the ins and outs of these complex cases, which involve expertise about state and federal laws and regulations, including, but not limited to:

  • The Move Over/Slow Down Law, which states that drivers must either move over or slow down to 20mph when near some construction zones.
  • Work Zone Speed Limits, which are set by The Texas Department of Transportation, are lower than the normal speed limit and failure to adhere to the signs can result in a serious accident.
  • Traffic Control Devices, which establishes standards in traffic control devices and signs.

If you are looking to sue a construction company in Allen TX for their negligence in causing your injuries, Carabin Shaw is here for you.

Pursuing a Lawsuit | What To Expect

The four stages of a lawsuit include:

  1. Pleading - when you file a lawsuit and declare why you are doing so.
  2. Discovery - when both sides provide the evidence they are using to support their case.
  3. Motions - when both sides make motions to the court to have something omitted, delay the procedures, etc.
  4. Trial - when both sides go before a judge or jury and plead their case if a settlement is unable to be reached outside of court.

In each stage, specific protocols must be followed and deadlines must be met. If these are not adhered to, your case may be dismissed. This is yet another reason why an experienced attorney is vital to have on your side during the process of pursuing justice.

Protect Your Rights After an Injury | Call Today To Schedule Your Free Case Review - Carabin Shaw Attorneys Fight For You!

It is normal to worry about the cost involved with lawsuits. At Carabin Shaw, we elevate some of that worry and some of that cost. In addition to a free initial consultation, we also offer our services on a contingency-fee basis, which means you don’t pay us unless we win. Our goal is to help you navigate the lawsuit process with as little stress and financial strain as possible.

Read over our reviews to see how we’ve helped clients just like you get justice. Do not wait or suffer any longer. Call us at 800-862-1260 and let our team of lawyers go to work for you.

For More Information:

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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