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Most Common Types of Boerne Work Injury Accidents

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Some of the most common types of Boerne work injury accidents are often the least expected. Accidents such as a slip and fall due to spilled liquid or food on a restaurant floor, or carpal tunnel resulting from repetitive motions while working at a computer station are common throughout the United States including Boerne, Texas and frequently result in workman comp claims, even lawsuits. Regardless of the type of accident, when you sustain an injury at work it is important that you contact an attorney immediately. Our team at Carabin Shaw are available to evaluate your situation and determine whether or not you have grounds for a lawsuit.

Following are examples of we’ve found to be some of the most common types of Boerne work injury accidents, how they occur and some of the resulting injuries:

Common Types of Work Accidents and Injuries Include
  • Overexertion – this frequently happens when an employee lifts, pushes or pulls heavy or large objects. The overexertion leads to muscle pulls, strains, and sprains.
  • Falls and trips – the second leading cause of injuries falls occur from scaffolding, ladders, lack of guard or safety rails, almost anywhere and from anything. Injuries sustained include concussions, fractures, spinal cord injuries and even death.
  • Inhaling Toxic Fumes – inhaling chemicals while painting, working with tar, coal, gas, and asbestos to name a few. The resulting injuries can lead to lung and lung cancer, COPD, skin burns, mucosal burns.
  • Loud noises – working in conditions where there is constant exposure to loud noises can result in tinnitus or ringing in the ears, perforated eardrums, and loss of hearing.
  • Slips and trips – trips over electric cords, drawers left open, wet floors can all lead to serious long-term injuries; head and neck injuries, back injuries, fractures, broken bones, torn ligaments and damaged tendons.
  • Repetitive Strains – perhaps the most common office injury happens from repetitive motions such as typing, another common though often overlooked repetitive motion is the motion a hairstylist uses when styling hair.

From the list above, slips and falls are by far some of the most common types of Boerne work injury accidents; and more often than not, they occur within an office setting. Employees trip over cords, or over lose or frayed carpet. Each of these present a trip hazard and can easily be identified and avoided. In addition, falls happen when desk drawers are left open. Falls also happen outside of workplace, such as in parking lots that are poorly lit. It is interesting that the issue is not whether the act was deliberate or accidental, rather the issue is that the accident occurred on company property, during work hours. Accidents do not have to occur at the office to be considered work related either. Nurse aides, while driving to and from a patient’s home and have an accident may find their company can be held liable for their injuries. As in all legal matters, there are always extenuating circumstances, and seeking legal advice from an attorney can be your best chance of protecting your interests.

Other Injuries to Consider

In addition to injuries on the job, acts of violence in the workplace which result in both physical and emotional injury can potentially be included in a lawsuit by our attorneys. There are legal conditions that apply in order to bring this type of lawsuit. One such condition is that the employer had been informed of threats the co-worker may have made and failed to take appropriate action; one such action would be termination of the employee.

In all of the above scenarios, there are many variables to be considered in what occurred, how it occurred, and how the action resulted in your injury. Only through talking with an attorney at Carabin Shaw can we determine if you have a winnable case.

If you or a loved have been sustained a Boerne work injury accident , the offices of Carabin Shaw have a Boerne work injury lawyer available to advise you. Our attorney will provide you with free initial consultation and recommendations on whether you should consider pursuing a lawsuit. Call our Boerne office today. We can help you determine the best course of action to take. We can be reached at 800-862-1260. Lawyers are available 24/7.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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