Midland What Compensation can be Recovered From a Motorcycle Accident
In 22 years of practice, Carabin Shaw has helped countless motorcycle accident victims file claims against the negligent drivers responsible for their injuries. We have lawyers in the Midland/Odessa area standing by to provide counsel and defense for motorcyclists affected by driver’s carelessness in the region. Approximately 88,000 motorcyclists were injured on the road in 2013 alone. Contact the attorneys at Carabin Shaw to learn more about Midland what compensation can be recovered from a motorcycle accident.
It is no secret that a motorcycle simply cannot provide the same amount of protection that a car’s metal enclosure affords in case of a collision. Even with proper headgear and protective outerwear, there is no other buffer between rider and concrete after impact. The risk of harm increases dramatically if the accident happens at highway speeds. However, motorcycle accidents can occur no matter the speed or circumstance; even the wide, open roads in Midland can pose a threat for motorcyclists. Often times, drivers relax and become less attentive when driving on an open road. When combined with the fact that the number one cause of motorcycle accidents is other drivers’ inability to recognize motorcycles in their periphery, serious injuries may be sustained. Another person’s negligence on the road could turn into your misfortune. You deserve to know your options. A Midland motorcycle crash attorney is there for you.
Serious injuries can drastically change life after an accident. They may affect your ability to function. They may hinder your capacity to work. This can lead to a loss of wages at a time when financial stability is the best way to get the treatment you need to heal quickly and properly. The diminishing flow of income may cause the bills to pile up (hospital and otherwise) or introduce stress to the routine payment of rent/mortgage. Unforeseen living expenses could be occurred. Credit card bills may pile up. No one should have to deal with these repercussions alone. If you live in Midland and have been through a motorcycle accident, call Carabin Shaw for more information about Midland what compensation can be recovered from a motorcycle accident.
Carabin Shaw is prepared to file a wrongful death claim if a negligent driver caused the death of a loved one. We provide a free consultation for you to discuss the specifics of your case with one of our experienced motorcycle accident lawyers in Midland. Holding those accountable for any catastrophic injuries or loss of life is our lawyers’ main goal. We will fight the insurance companies for you and make sure that you are compensated for your injuries. Call us today for a free consultation.
After Midland motorcycle accidents, people can be left feeling vulnerable. Carabin Shaw lawyers are ready to fight for your rights. If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, you don’t need to wage this war alone. We are here to help, and we will stop at nothing to ensure you receive the recompense you are entitled to. Carabin Shaw is prepared to offer a free consultation to victims that will set you on the right track for moving forward and educate you on your options in a Midland what compensation can be recovered from a motorcycle accident case.
Free consultation ▪ Se Habla Español ▪ Contact us day or night 432.620.0544
Contact Carabin Shaw today via email, or by phone at 432.620.0544 day or night.
Visits with the attorney are by appointment only. Main office located in San Antonio, Texas.