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Maximizing Your Recovery After an Austin Rideshare Assault: Top Texas Attorneys

Those who opt to use a rideshare app to get around Austin are choosing an alternative transportation option responsibly, but unfortunately violent incidents with an unknown driver are possible. Uber and Lyft have requirements for their drivers that now include background checks, but that doesn’t guarantee that all dangerous individuals are filtered out. If you or someone you love has recently experienced an Uber or Lyft assault in Austin, you may be eligible to receive compensation with the help of an experienced Texas lawyer.

No one deserves to be attacked by another individual, and there are tangible legal protections for riders who’ve been physically (and emotionally) injured by their rideshare drivers in such cases. Read on to learn more about the possibility of pursuing a lawsuit after suffering from an attack. The experienced attorneys at Carabin Shaw are ready to fight hard on your behalf to obtain the Austin rideshare physical assault compensation you deserve as a victim of a terrible, preventable crime.

Top Rideshare Apps in Austin TX in 2024

While Uber and Lyft have dominated the rideshare field for the past decade, other options have since sprung up and gained popularity. A few of the most popular options in Austin include:

  • Uber
  • Lyft
  • Via
  • Wingz
  • Curb
  • Earth Rides

Don’t see the rideshare you used listed here? There seem to be more options for ridesharing every year; you are eligible for a lawsuit against the company and/or driver you had during a physical assault. The rights of riders hold true regardless of which company you are using. Regardless of your situation, contact the rideshare assault lawyers in Austin TX as soon as possible to discuss the specifics of your case and to evaluate your legal options moving forward.

What Damages Can You Recover After an Austin Rideshare Assault?

A physical assault involving a rideshare driver is physically, emotionally, and financially damaging. Thankfully, Texas state law allows victims to pursue compensation for these damages via a lawsuit. Victims can sue the driver, the affiliated rideshare company, or both.

Damages that may be recovered in such incidents include:

  • Medical expenses like hospitalization, doctor visits, surgery, medication, rehabilitation, therapy, and more.
  • Lost wages if your injuries prevent you from working or limit your ability to work in the future.
  • Pain and suffering, which include physical and emotional pain, distress and discomfort, mental anguish (like PTSD, and more).
  • Property damage if any of your belongings were damaged in the assault.
  • Punitive damages, which may be issued by a judge for particularly horrible behavior on the part of the driver or rideshare company.

It’s imperative that you keep thorough, well-organized documentation of any and all costs you incur as the result of your physical assault to ensure that all damages are accounted for. An experienced Texas attorney, such as those at Carabin Shaw, have extensive knowledge of such cases and can better assist you in understanding your rights and maximizing the compensation you receive in your case.

Why You Need an Austin Rideshare Assault Lawyer on Your Side

It is not required that plaintiffs, or the victims seeking compensation in these cases, hire a lawyer to represent them when filing and pursuing a case, but it is strongly recommended. Cases involving well-established companies like Uber and Lyft means that you are going up against organizations that have extensive legal teams fighting on their behalf and insurance agencies interested in paying victims the least amount possible to maximize their own profits.

Rideshare assault cases also involve complex national and state regulations, and unless a victim has experience in the Texas legal system, this will be a strenuous uphill battle unless you have a legal professional on your side.

Don’t Wait for the Justice & Compensation You Deserve! - Austin TX Injury Attorneys at Carabin Shaw, Free Case Review for Rideshare Assault Victims

The professional staff at Carabin Shaw have over thirty years of experience in the industry, representing victims of personal injuries across the state of Texas and the Southern United States. Because some victims are hesitant to pursue legal action due to the perceived cost, our law firm offers a free case review for all victims who are looking to explore their options, including a potential lawsuit. If all parties decide to pursue the case, our lawyers also offer our services on a contingency-fee basis, meaning you don’t pay us unless your case is won.

Call 800-862-1260 to schedule your no-obligation, initial consultation. Time is of the essence, so analyze your options with the help of a professional Austin TX attorney today. Our phones are open 24/7, and Spanish-speaking representatives are available to assist.

For more information:

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

Austin Office
1609 Shoal Creek Blvd #100
Austin, TX 78701

Client Reviews
We are very glad we called Carabin Shaw after our accident. We now recommend them to everyone. - Griselda S.
You want Carabin Shaw on your side after an accident. They were excellent. - Valerie S.
In our opinion, no one is better, Carabin Shaw is the Law Firm you want on your side after an accident. - Amanda G.
The attorneys and staff went out of their way to help us after our accident. Thank you Carabin Shaw. - Melinda F.
We did our research after our accident and chose Carabin Shaw. They were great. Highly recommend. Joel Y.