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Liability for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Houston Tx


Have you been exposed to carbon monoxide on Houston premises? If so, who can be held responsible? Who can be held financially liable for the injuries you have suffered?

The question of establishing liability in a carbon monoxide poisoning lawsuit can be complicated, often requiring years of legal experience and specialized knowledge of Texas personal injury law. When you hire a quality Houston carbon monoxide attorney, however, establishing liability for your carbon monoxide poisoning injuries is simple.

Premises Liability Law in Houston

Did you know that property owners have a legal responsibility to ensure guests, visitors, or customers are not exposed to harmful substances like carbon monoxide? Property owners must regularly inspect their premises to ensure there is no risk of a carbon monoxide leak. For example, Texas law stipulates that all dwelling units must have functioning carbon monoxide detectors installed within 15 feet of any room used for sleeping.

In order to establish that a property owner’s liability for carbon monoxide poisoning, it must be established that:

  • The property owner owed you a premises free of carbon monoxide exposure (i.e. you were an invitee or licensee to the premises)
  • The property owner’s negligence in maintaining their property amounted a breach in this duty
  • The lack of maintenance on the property directly resulted in your carbon monoxide poisoning injuries

If these things cannot be established, you do not have a case for your claim. Additionally, if you were at fault for your injuries (i.e. you were a trespasser on the property or were misusing property), the property owner cannot be held liable for your injuries.

Liable Parties in Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Lawsuits

Because victims are most likely to be exposed to carbon monoxide in their sleep or in buildings where they spend a significant amount of time, the most common defendants in carbon monoxide lawsuits are negligent landlords. However, hotel/motel owners have also been sued for carbon monoxide injuries.

Less common examples of defendants in carbon monoxide poisoning lawsuits are other homeowners, business proprietors, or employers. However, if your carbon monoxide poisoning lawyer in Houston establishes that the negligence of a Houston property owner led to your carbon monoxide poisoning, they can be held liable according to Texas law.

Financial Liability for Carbon Monoxide Injuries

Once your Houston carbon monoxide attorney has established who can be held liable for your injuries, it is time to calculate the full worth of your damages. In a carbon monoxide poisoning lawsuit, damages are typically divided into two categories: economic and non-economic injuries.

To start, your non-economic losses may include:

  • Physical injuries
  • Long-term cognitive damage
  • Loss of a loved one
  • Miscarriage
  • Permanent memory loss

Your economic losses could include:

  • Stay in emergency room
  • Doctor bills
  • Specialist visits
  • Temporary or long-term loss of wage earning ability

The personal injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw believe you deserve full compensation for the full extent of your losses. To have one of our experienced injury attorneys review your carbon monoxide claim, call the number below to speak to one of our 24/7 English and Spanish-speaking staff.

Establish Liability with the Houston Attorneys at Carabin Shaw

If you need help establishing liability in your Houston carbon monoxide poisoning case, the team of experienced injury attorneys at Carabin Shaw can help. Our carbon monoxide injury lawyers are dedicated to ensuring each and every one of our clients receives the respect, dedication, and professional expertise they deserve.

As reflected in Carabin Shaw’s client reviews, our attorneys have a long history of success representing Houston accident victims like you. To schedule your no-cost, no-obligation initial consultation with a Carabin Shaw carbon monoxide injury lawyer, call our office toll-free at 800-862-1260.

Visits with the Attorney are by appointment only. Main office San Antonio, Texas.

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